Thursday, January 31, 2008

Laugh More And Live A Longer, Healthier Life

I felt a good way to end this month would be on a light note. The Bible tells us that a “merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones” (Proverbs 17:22). My friends do you know that science is now showing us empirically how laughter positively effects the body, immune system and promotes life. Take a look at this article below by two California researchers and you will be amazed at what laughter can do. I’ve included some cartoons and some dumb stupid jokes to keep you on the road to a healthier you so that you won't dry out. Let's continue to laugh, eat right, exercise, and take care of our emotions so that we can truly be Winners at life.

Stay Blessed!

Therapeutic Benefits of Laughter

"Dr. Lee Berk and fellow researcher Dr. Stanley Tan of Loma Linda University in California have been studying the effects of laughter on the immune system. To date their published studies have shown that laughing lowers blood pressure, reduces stress hormones, increases muscle flexion, and boosts immune function by raising levels of infection-fighting T-cells, disease-fighting proteins called Gamma-interferon and B-cells, which produce disease-destroying antibodies. Laughter also triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, and produces a general sense of well-being….
Research results indicate that, after exposure to humor, there is a general increase in activity within the immune system, including:

An increase in the number and activity level of natural killer cells that attack viral infected cells and some types of cancer and tumor cells.

An increase in activated T cells (T lymphocytes). There are many T cells that await activation. Laughter appears to tell the immune system to "turn it up a notch."

An increase in the antibody IgA (immunoglobulin A), which fights upper respiratory tract insults and infections.

An increase in gamma interferon, which tells various components of the immune system to "turn on."

An increase in IgB, the immunoglobulin produced in the greatest quantity in body, as well as an increase in Complement 3, which helps antibodies to pierce dysfunctional or infected cells. The increase in both substances was not only present while subjects watched a humor video; there also was a lingering effect that continued to show increased levels the next day."


JOKE # 1) How do you catch a "UNIQUE RABBIT"?
ANSWER--YOU -- NIQUE up on it!
JOKE # 2) How do you catch a "TAME RABBIT"?
JOKE # 3) How do you"TOP' A CAR?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

For Men Only: The 10 Best Foods You Aren’t Eating

Ladies we must remember that if weren’t for men, none of us would be here. I want to share an article with you a WebMD Feature from "Men's Health" Magazine that can help keep that significant man in your life healthy and strong. Yes, my sisters we have to help the men in our life defy the statistics so that they don’t prematurely die.

After all the longer they live, the longer we can continue to use their money to go shopping (smile). I’m just kidding, you know I’m an independent woman and I like to make my own money. That’s true, but I’m not a fool- his money is as good as mine, if not better. I do have a sense of humor.

Seriously, if we want to be a Winner at life, we must eat well and also keep the significant ones in our life healthy and fit. Read the article below and discover ways you can improve the quality of life for your family.

Stay Blessed!

Want to do your body a world of good? It's as easy as expanding your grocery list. Although some guys aren't opposed to smoking some weed, most wouldn't think of eating one. It's a shame, really, since a succulent weed named purslane is not only delicious but also among the world's healthiest foods.

Of course, there are many superfoods that never see the inside of a shopping cart. Some you've never heard of, and others you've simply forgotten about. That's why we've rounded up the best of the bunch. Make a place for them on your table and you'll instantly upgrade your health -- without a prescription.

1. Beets
These grungy-looking roots are naturally sweeter than any other vegetable, which means they pack tons of flavor underneath their rugged exterior.

Why they're healthy: Think of beets as red spinach. Just like Popeye's powerfood, this crimson vegetable is one of the best sources of both folate and betaine. These two nutrients work together to lower your blood levels of homocysteine, an inflammatory compound that can damage your arteries and increase your risk of heart disease. Plus, the natural pigments -- called betacyanins -- that give beets their color have been proved to be potent cancer fighters in laboratory mice.

How to eat them: Fresh and raw, not from a jar. Heating beets actually decreases their antioxidant power. For a simple single-serving salad, wash and peel one beet, and then grate it on the widest blade of a box grater. Toss with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and the juice of half a lemon.
You can eat the leaves and stems, which are also packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Simply cut off the stems just below the point where the leaves start, and wash thoroughly. They're now ready to be used in a salad. Or, for a side dish, sauté the leaves, along with a minced clove of garlic and a tablespoon of olive oil, in a sauté pan over medium-high heat. Cook until the leaves are wilted and the stems are tender. Season with salt and pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice, and sprinkle with fresh Parmesan cheese.

2. Cabbage
Absent from most American kitchens, this cruciferous vegetable is a major player in European and Asian diets.

Why it's healthy: One cup of chopped cabbage has just 22 calories, and it's loaded with valuable nutrients. At the top of the list is sulforaphane, a chemical that increases your body's production of enzymes that disarm cell-damaging free radicals and reduce your risk of cancer. In fact, Stanford University scientists determined that sulforaphane boosts your levels of these cancer-fighting enzymes higher than any other plant chemical.

How to eat it:
Put cabbage on your burgers to add a satisfying crunch. Or, for an even better sandwich topping or side salad, try an Asian-style slaw. Here's what you'll need.
4 Tbsp peanut or canola oil
Juice of two limes
1 Tbsp sriracha, an Asian chili sauce you can find in the international section of your grocery store
1 head napa cabbage, finely chopped or shredded
1/4 cup toasted peanuts
1/2 cup shredded carrots
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
Whisk together the oil, lime juice, and sriracha. Combine the remaining ingredients in a large mixing bowl and toss with the dressing to coat. Refrigerate for 20 minutes before serving. The slaw will keep in your fridge for 2 days.

3. Guava
Guava is an obscure tropical fruit that's subtly acidic, with sweetness that intensifies as you eat your way to the center.

Why it's healthy:
Guava has a higher concentration of lycopene -- an antioxidant that fights prostate cancer -- than any other plant food, including tomatoes and watermelon. In addition, 1 cup of the stuff provides 688 milligrams (mg) of potassium, which is 63 percent more than you'll find in a medium banana. And guava may be the ultimate high-fiber food: There's almost 9 grams (g) of fiber in every cup.

How to eat it: Down the entire fruit, from the rind to the seeds. It's all edible -- and nutritious. The rind alone has more vitamin C than you'd find in the flesh of an orange. You can score guava in the produce section of higher-end supermarkets or in Latin grocery stores.

4. Swiss chard
Hidden in the leafy-greens cooler of your market, you'll find this slightly bitter, salty vegetable, which is actually native to the Mediterranean.

Why it's healthy: A half cup of cooked Swiss chard provides a huge amount of both lutein and zeaxanthin, supplying 10 mg each. These plant chemicals, known as carotenoids, protect your retinas from the damage of aging, according to Harvard researchers. That's because both nutrients, which are actually pigments, appear to accumulate in your retinas, where they absorb the type of shortwave light rays that can damage your eyes. So the more lutein and zeaxanthin you eat, the better your internal eye protection will be.

How to eat it:
Chard goes great with grilled steaks and chicken, and it also works well as a bed for pan-seared fish. Wash and dry a bunch of Swiss chard, and then chop the leaves and stems into 1-inch pieces. Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a large sauté pan or wok, and add two garlic cloves that you've peeled and lightly crushed. When the oil smokes lightly, add the chard. Sauté for 5 to 7 minutes, until the leaves wilt and the stems are tender. Remove the garlic cloves and season the chard with salt and pepper.

5. Cinnamon
This old-world spice usually reaches most men's stomachs only when it's mixed with sugar and stuck to a roll.

Why it's healthy: Cinnamon helps control your blood sugar, which influences your risk of heart disease. In fact, USDA researchers found that people with type-2 diabetes who consumed 1 g of cinnamon a day for 6 weeks (about 1/4 teaspoon each day) significantly reduced not only their blood sugar but also their triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol. Credit the spice's active ingredients, methylhydroxychalcone polymers, which increase your cells' ability to metabolize sugar by up to 20 times.

How to eat it: You don't need the fancy oils and extracts sold at vitamin stores; just sprinkle the stuff that's in your spice rack (or in the shaker at Starbucks) into your coffee or on your oatmeal.

6. Purslane
Although the FDA classifies purslane as a broad-leaved weed, it's a popular vegetable and herb in many other countries, including China, Mexico, and Greece.

Why it's healthy: Purslane has the highest amount of heart-healthy omega-3 fats of any edible plant, according to researchers at the University of Texas at San Antonio. The scientists also report that this herb has 10 to 20 times more melatonin -- an antioxidant that may inhibit cancer growth -- than any other fruit or vegetable tested.

How to eat it: In a salad. Think of purslane as a great alternative or addition to lettuce: The leaves and stems are crisp, chewy, and succulent, and they have a mild lemony taste. Look for it at your local farmer's market, or Chinese or Mexican market. It's also available at some Whole Foods stores, as an individual leafy green or in premade salad mixes.

7. Pomegranate juice
A popular drink for decades in the Middle East, pomegranate juice has become widely available only recently in the United States.

Why it's healthy: Israeli scientists discovered that men who downed just 2 ounces of pomegranate juice daily for a year decreased their systolic (top number) blood pressure by 21 percent and significantly improved bloodflow to their hearts. What's more, 4 ounces provides 50 percent of your daily vitamin C needs.

How to drink it: Try 100 percent pomegranate juice from Pom Wonderful. It contains no added sugars, and because it's so powerful, a small glassful is all you need. (For a list of retailers, go to

8. Goji berries
These raisin-size fruits are chewy and taste like a cross between a cranberry and a cherry. More important, these potent berries have been used as a medicinal food in Tibet for over 1,700 years.

Why they're healthy: Goji berries have one of the highest ORAC ratings -- a method of gauging antioxidant power -- of any fruit, according to Tufts University researchers. And although modern scientists began to study this ancient berry only recently, they've found that the sugars that make goji berries sweet reduce insulin resistance -- a risk factor of diabetes -- in rats.

How to eat them:
Mix dried or fresh goji berries with a cup of plain yogurt, sprinkle them on your oatmeal or cold cereal, or enjoy a handful by themselves. You can find them at specialty supermarkets or at

9. Dried plums
You may know these better by the moniker "prunes," which are indelibly linked with nursing homes and bathroom habits. And that explains why, in an effort to revive this delicious fruit's image, producers now market them under another name.

Why they're healthy:
Prunes contain high amounts of neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acids, antioxidants that are particularly effective at combating the "superoxide anion radical." This nasty free radical causes structural damage to your cells, and such damage is thought to be one of the primary causes of cancer.

How to eat them: As an appetizer. Wrap a paper-thin slice of prosciutto around each dried plum and secure with a toothpick. Bake in a 400°F oven for 10 to 15 minutes, until the plums are soft and the prosciutto is crispy. Most of the fat will cook off, and you'll be left with a decadent-tasting treat that's sweet, savory, and healthy.

10. Pumpkin seeds
These jack-o'-lantern waste products are the most nutritious part of the pumpkin.

Why they're healthy:
Downing pumpkin seeds is the easiest way to consume more magnesium. That's important because French researchers recently determined that men with the highest levels of magnesium in their blood have a 40 percent lower risk of early death than those with the lowest levels. And on average, men consume 353 mg of the mineral daily, well under the 420 mg minimum recommended by the USDA.

How to eat them: Whole, shells and all. (The shells provide extra fiber.) Roasted pumpkin seeds contain 150 mg of magnesium per ounce; add them to your regular diet and you'll easily hit your daily target of 420 mg. Look for them in the snack or health-food section of your grocery store, next to the peanuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds.

Antioxidants, Explained

The science is clear: Plant foods are good for you. And the credit often goes to chemicals they produce called antioxidants. Just as the name suggests, antioxidants help protect your cells against oxidation. Think of oxidation as rust. This rust is caused by free radicals, which are unstable oxygen atoms that attack your cells, inducing DNA damage that leads to cancer. Thankfully, antioxidants help stabilize free radicals, which keeps the rogue atoms from harming your cells.
So by eating more antioxidant-rich foods, you'll boost the amount of the disease-fighting chemicals floating in your bloodstream. The result: Every bite fortifies your body with all-natural preventive medicine.

Copyright© 2006 Rodale Inc. All rights reserved. Men's Health is a Registered Trademark of Rodale Inc. ©2005-2007 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Life Saving And Restorative Power Of Food

In my ongoing commitment to share with you timely information to keep you and your family healthy I want to pass along a chart that was emailed to me on the health benefits of food. Since you are what you eat, I think it’s important to eat smart so that we can be Winners at life. We make a choice each time we put something in our mouth- will we eat healthy, of the tree of life, or will we eat foods that break down our natural immune system and weaken our emotional and psychological well being as well?

Now is the time to choose life, not when we are sick. The Creator has given us foods to keep us on the track of health and wholeness, but we must make the decision to eat right. There is no getting around it; our bodies are not designed to survive on junk food. It’s fine if we eat them occasionally.

Take a look at this chart below. I think you will be amazed at how the Creator in his foreknowledge has designed certain foods to keep us healthy, combat and prevent diseases. Truly this is a loving Creator that wants us to have life and that more abundantly.

Stay Blessed!

Life Saving Food Chart

apples- Protects your heart prevents constipation Blocks diarrhea Improves lung capacity Cushions joints

apricots- Combats cancer Controls blood pressure Saves your eyesight Shields against Alzheimer's Slows aging process

artichokes- Aids digestion Lowers cholesterol Protects your heart Stabilizes blood sugar Guards against liver disease

avocados-- Battles diabetes Lowers cholesterol Helps stops strokes Controls blood pressure Smoothes skin

bananas- Protects your heart Quiets a cough Strengthens bones Controls blood pressure Blocks diarrhea

beans- Prevents constipation Helps hemorrhoids Lowers cholesterol Combats cancer Stabilizes blood sugar

beets- Controls blood pressure Combats cancer Strengthens bones Protects your heart Aids weight loss

blueberries- Combats cancer Protects your heart Stabilizes blood sugar Boosts memory Prevents constipation

broccoli- Strengthens bones Saves eyesight Combats cancer Protects your heart Controls blood pressure

cabbage-Combats cancer Prevents constipation Promotes weight loss Protects your heart Helps hemorrhoids

cantaloupe- Saves eyesight Controls blood pressure Lowers cholesterol Combats cancer Supports immune system

carrots- Saves eyesight Protects your heart Prevents constipation Combats cancer Promotes weight loss

cauliflower- Protects against Prostate Cancer Combats Breast Cancer Strengthens bones Banishes bruises Guards against heart disease

cherries- Protects your heart Combats Cancer Ends insomnia Slows aging process Shields against Alzheimer's

chestnuts- Promotes weight loss Protects your heart Lowers cholesterol Combats Cancer Controls blood pressure

chili peppers- Aids digestion Soothes sore throat Clears sinuses Combats Cancer Boosts immune system

Promotes weight loss Helps stops strokes Lowers cholesterol Combats Cancer Controls blood pressure

fish- Protects your heart Boosts memory Protects your heart Combats Cancer Supports immune system

flax- Aids digestion Battles diabetes Protects your heart Improves mental health Boosts immune system

garlic- Lowers cholesterol Controls blood pressure Combats cancer kills bacteria Fights fungus

grapefruit- Protects against heart attacks Promotes Weight loss Helps stops strokes Combats Prostate Cancer Lowers cholesterol

grapes- saves eyesight Conquers kidney stones Combats cancer Enhances blood flow Protects your heart

green tea- Combats cancer Protects your heart Helps stops strokes Promotes Weight loss Kills bacteria

honey- Heals wounds Aids digestion Guards against ulcers Increases energy Fights allergies

lemons- Combats cancer Protects your heart Controls blood pressure Smoothes skin Stops scurvy

limes- Combats cancer Protects your heart Controls blood pressure Smoothes skin Stops scurvy

mangoes- Combats cancer Boosts memory Regulates thyroid aids digestion Shields against Alzheimer's

mushrooms- Controls blood pressure Lowers cholesterol Kills bacteria Combats cancer Strengthens bones

oats-Lowers cholesterol Combats cancer Battles diabetes prevents constipation Smoothes skin

olive oil- Protects your heart Promotes Weight loss Combats cancer Battles diabetes Smoothes skin

onions- Reduce risk of heart attack Combats cancer Kills bacteria Lowers cholesterol Fights fungus

oranges- Supports immune systems Combats cancer Protects your heart Straightens respiration

peaches- Prevents constipation Combats cancer Helps stops strokes aids digestion Helps hemorrhoids

peanuts- Protects against heart disease Promotes Weight loss Combats Prostate Cancer Lowers cholesterol Aggravates diverticulitis

pineapple- Strengthens bones Relieves colds Aids digestion Dissolves warts Blocks diarrhea

prunes- Slows aging process prevents constipation boosts memory Lowers cholesterol Protects against heart disease

rice- Protects your heart Battles diabetes Conquers kidney stones Combats cancer Helps stops strokes

strawberries- Combats cancer Protects your heart boosts memory Calms stress

sweet potatoes- Saves your eyesight Lifts mood Combats cancer Strengthens bones

tomatoes- Protects prostate Combats cancer Lowers cholesterol Protects your heart

walnuts- Lowers cholesterol Combats cancer boosts memory Lifts mood Protects against heart disease

water- Promotes Weight loss Combats cancer Conquers kidney stones Smoothes skin

watermelon- Protects prostate Promotes Weight loss Lowers cholesterol
Helps stops strokes Controls blood pressure

wheat germ- Combats Colon Cancer prevents constipation Lowers cholesterol Helps stops strokes improves digestion

wheat bran Combats Colon Cancer prevents constipation Lowers cholesterol Helps stops strokes improves digestion


Monday, January 28, 2008

Save A Life: Know The Signs of a Stroke

My mom recently suffered a 4th stroke. Fortunately she was in a nursing home and not by herself, so someone intervened when they realized that something was wrong with her. She is still alive thank God, but can not walk or use her right arm. The prayer of family members and friends is that her health will be restored.
The effects of a stroke can be devastating and deadly. I’d like to pass along this helpful information which may help you save the life of a loved one, friend or stranger. It was emailed to me and it originated from a nurse.

STROKE: Remember The 1st Three Letters.... S.T.R.

If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks. Seriously...

Please read:

During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) ....she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.

They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening.

Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 pm Ingrid passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don't die.... they end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.

It only takes a minute to read this...
A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.

Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR. Read and Learn!

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

S * Ask the individual to SMILE.
T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently)
(i.e. It is sunny out today)
R * Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call 999/911 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your Tongue:

NOTE: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue... If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other, that is also an indication of a stroke.
According to, the "sticking the tongue out" is probably a true test, but more than likely not as reliable as the first three (Smile, Talk, Raise both arms.)

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved. Let’s remember to be our brother’s and sister’s keeper so that we all can be Winners at life.
Stay Blessed!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Don’t Give Up On Your Dream!

TGIF guys!

As we come to the close of this fourth week in January 2008, I hope your year has gotten off to a great start. I trust you have been working on your goals and dreams for 2008. If you have been following my blog, you know that the end of this week is a beginning of a new day. It’s an opportunity to enjoy life, count your blessings, and realize that you are four weeks closer to your dream.

If you have already experienced some challenges this year, you are learning how to turn your lemons into lemonade. You are learning how to take if necessary, small, but significant steps towards your dream. Defeat is not in your vocabulary because you were created to be the Head and not the tail. You are learning as well to love yourself which means taking proper care of your body temple- exercising, eating right and getting the proper amount of rest.

Right now I want you to steal away to a secret place and give yourself a big hug. Tell yourself that you are loved, wonderfully, and fearfully made in the image and likeness of God. This is the truth about you- God did not make any junk. He loves you and his promise is to never leave or forsake you.

Take a deep breath and let it out. Practice relaxing and as you let your breath out release to God the burdens that are too great for you to bear. He wants to be those unseen footprints in the sands of your life, but you must invite Him in. When you do this, then you will overcome as others have done and He will make you a Winner at life!

Stay Blessed!

Martin Luther King "I have a dream" from: superjsuh (

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Dream Big And Take The First Step!

Often the hardest step to achieving your dream is the first step. Success is a journey that is composed of failed attempts by someone or a group that refuses to give up. Yes, to succeed at your dream you must have an undying passion and commitment to accomplish your goal.

You are what you think. You attract into your life what you think you are deserving of. Once you decide in your mind what you want, you must unwaveringly and consciously choose to reject anything that does not line up with the fulfillment of your dream.

If your goal this year is to become alcohol free, then you of course don’t want to hang out in a singles bar. Likewise, if you want to finish college, you can’t party every weekend and choose cramming as a method of studying for your finals.

Typically what prevents us from achieving our goals is an unwillingness to sacrifice, endure pain or practice self-denial. When you get serious about your dream and take the necessary steps, the universe will respond and you will draw into your life the components that are necessary to make your dream a reality. Click on the link below and meditate on how you can start attracting into your life the desires of your heart. Once you take these, even if they are small baby steps, you will become a Winner at life!

Stay Blessed!

An Inspirational Video 1 - The Law Of Attraction from: soniari (

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What Is Your Impossible Dream?

Now is the time to make your dream a reality! You must do it now, even if you have to do it afraid. The question is not will I succeed, but can I dare to do it afraid, penniless, alone or with no support? Is your dream of a nature that it will benefit mankind and bring some good into the world for all humanity? If you answered yes, then do something today to actualize your dreams and the forces of nature and creativity will meet you at your door and propel you toward the fulfillment of your dream.

You see as you start to plant good seeds into the soil of life, you can only reap a good harvest. Just as there are physical laws, there are irrefutable spiritual laws that have no choice but to work in your favor. Yes, there will be weeds along the way that you will have to pull and destroy. The Word says that the wheat and the tares must go up together. There is nothing you can do about this, but learn how to coexist and stay true to your identity.

God is not a respecter of person, He has given everyone gifts and talents. It worked for Helen Keller, Dr. King, Tiger Woods, Oprah, Harriet Tubman, Mother Teresa and many others. And guess what it even worked for little oh me and propelled me from Boston’s inner city housing project steps to greatness! Click on the link below and listen to how you too can be a Winner at life if you start today!

Stay Blessed!

The Impossible Dream by Fantasia, Kelly and n'em from: readyornot79 (

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

He That Wants To Be A King Must Be A Servant First!

Love is the key to making this world a better place for our children’s children. Mother Teresa exemplified this love by stepping out of her comfort zone and choosing to work among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta. Amazingly with no funds, she depended on God, and started an open-air school for slum children. Soon she was joined by voluntary helpers, and financial support was also forthcoming. This made it possible for her to extend the scope of her work.

In 1950 Mother Teresa started her own order called, The Missionaries of Charity, whose primary task was to love and care for those persons nobody was prepared to look after. Her society has since evolved into The Society of Missionaries that have spread all over the world, including the former Soviet Union, Eastern European, Asia, Africa, Latin America, North America, Europe and Australia.

Mother Teresa's work has been recognized and acclaimed throughout the world and she has received a number of awards and distinctions, including the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize (1971) and the Nehru Prize for her promotion of international peace and understanding (1972). She also received the Balzan Prize (1979) and the Templeton and Magsaysay awards.

Until we have individuals that are willing like Mother Teresa to step out of their comfort zone, the status quo will continue. Mother Teresa did not wait until all her ducks were in a row. With only a desire and a passion in her heart to help the bruised and the broken hearted, Mother Teresa stepped out on faith and as she went along, help and support fell into place.

Rosa Parks, Dr. King and Mrs. King, Harriet Tubman, Abraham Lincoln and many others with only a dream and prayer stepped out on faith. Likewise, we must take our cues from them and use whatever is in our hands to bring our dreams into fruition. When we do this, then the forces of justice in the universe will align themselves and bring our dream(s)into fruition and make us Winners at life.

Stay Blessed!

Click on the link below and reflect on Dr. King's definition of greatness.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.(To Serve) from: andyvivanco (

Monday, January 21, 2008

Dr. King Responded To A Macedonian Call- What Is Yours?

Dr. King, like Paul received a Macedonian call to come and help the bruised, the broken hearted and the captive prisoners. Paul was called to Macedonia, a Greek country much like the U.S. which was steeped in refinement, learning, wealth and culture. Although the Macedonians were religious, they had no knowledge of Jesus Christ.

It is one thing to know of Christ, and it is another to actually follow his teachings. Such was the case during the Civil Rights era. Many of our laws were in opposition to the Word of God that challenges us to love our neighbors and to be a Good Samaritan. Dr. King like Paul was sent to jail after receiving his call. Both Paul and Dr. King accomplished their missions and their sacrificial acts made it possible for many to know Christ and have a more meaningful life.

Have you heard your Macedonian call to help those who are bound in physical, emotional and financial chains? I challenge you to listen with your heart, to steal away to a secret place where God can reveal his specific plan for your life. He may not speak to you in a cathedral. It may be a homeless shelter, a prison or a classroom. It doesn’t matter where he chooses to speak to you. What’s important is that you know that it is His voice.

One thing you can be certain of is that His call won’t be a bed of roses, but the rewards are priceless and eternal. I guarantee you that when you respond to your Macedonian call you will be a Winner at life!

Stay Blessed!

Click on the link below as you reflect on how you can answer someone’s Macedonian call for help and be a resource for someone who is yearning to be free.

Nina Simone - I wish I knew how it would fell to be free from: scottie1989 (

Friday, January 18, 2008

Dr. King’s Use of Music To Overcome Depression & Adversities

Science is now verifying empirically what the Bible has long ago stated in anecdotes. Some of you may recall the story of how David used music to calm the beast in King Saul who wanted to kill him.

Intrinsic in the Civil Rights movement was the use of freedom songs that help bind the protestors together. It gave believers hope that the status quo would change and reflect the true meaning of America’s Constitution and its Judeo-Christian principals upon which this country was founded. It also inspired hope that the descendants of slaves, freedom fighters and those who had fought in America’s wars would be free in the land of their birth and have the same rights and privileges of any other American regardless of their race, color, national origin, or gender.

I want to share with you an article from that scientifically confirms how the use of music can be used to overcome pain, depression, disability and increased the participants’ feelings of power:

Listening to Music Can Reduce Chronic Pain and Depression
From Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by Kate Grossman,MD.
A study published in the June 2006 issue of the Journal of Advanced Nursing found that listening to music daily reduced chronic pain, made people feel more in control of their pain, reduced depression, and made people feel less disabled by their condition.

How the Study Worked
Researchers conducted a controlled clinical trial with 60 people who were recruited from pain and chiropractic clinics in Ohio. Participants had been suffering from a range of painful conditions (including osteoarthritis, disc problems and rheumatoid arthritis) for an average of six and a half years.

•Participants were divided into three groups of 20.
•Two of the groups listened to music on a headset for an hour a day.
•The third group did not listen to music and served as the control group.
•All three groups kept a pain diary.
•The first music group chose their favorite music to listen to. Choices included pop, rock, slow, melodious and nature sounds.
•The second music group was given relaxing music selected by the researchers.
Before the study began, the participants reported their average pain to be just under six on a zero to ten scale, with their worst pain exceeding nine. Ninety percent experienced pain in more than one part of their body and 95 percent said their pain was continuous.

Results of the Study
•The music groups reported a 12 to 21 percent reduction in pain. The control group reported that their pain had increased by one to two percent.
•The music groups reported 19 to 25 percent less depression than the control group.
•The music groups reported feeling nine to 18 percent less disabled than the control group.
•The music groups felt they had five to eight percent more power over their pain than the control group.

In a press release from the Journal of Advanced Nursing, Dr. Sandra L. Siedlecki, nurse researcher at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio, stated, “Our results show that listening to music had a statistically significant effect on the two experimental groups, reducing pain, depression and disability and increasing feelings of power. There were some small differences between the two music groups, but they both showed consistent improvements in each category when compared to the control group.

“Non-malignant pain remains a major health problem and sufferers continue to report high levels of unrelieved pain despite using medication. So anything that can provide relief is to be welcomed.”

Co-author Professor Marion Good from the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio added, “Listening to music has already been shown to promote a number of positive benefits and this research adds to the growing body of evidence that it has an important role to play in modern healthcare”

Siedlecki, Sandra L. and Good, Marion. “Effect of music on power, pain, depression and disability.” Journal of Advanced Nursing Vol. 54.5. June, 2006: 553-562. Journal of Advanced Nursing Press Release, 5/24/06 This page has been optimized for print. To view this page in its original form, please visit: ©2007, Inc., a part of The New York Times Company. All rights reserved.

Why don’t you start off your weekend by reaping the benefits of listening to this relaxing music by Wintley Phipps entitled, "Amazing Grace History/"Amazing Grace". Remember you have the power within you to be a Winner at life!

Stay Blessed!

From: hoover4000 (

Thursday, January 17, 2008

How Dr. King Overcame Adversities

It is interesting to study the past, particularly biographies of great men like Dr. King to see how they dealt with unjust situations. In a Playboy Interview Dr. King was asked the following in reference to being the acknowledged leader of the Civil Rights Movement and chief spokesman for the nation's then twenty million Blacks: “Are there ever any moments when you feel awed by this burden of responsibility, or inadequate to its demands?”

Dr. King responded, “… Sometimes I am uncertain, and I must look to God for guidance. There was one morning I recall, when I was in a Birmingham jail, in solitary, with not even my lawyers permitted to visit, and I was in a nightmare of despair. The very future of our movement hung in the balance, depending upon capricious turns of events over which I could have no control there, incommunicado, in an utterly dark dungeon…. It was then that President Kennedy telephoned my wife, Coretta. After that, my jail conditions were relaxed….The next day, word came to me from New York that Harry Belafonte had raised fifty thousand dollars…and if more was needed, he would raise that. I cannot express what I felt, but I knew at that moment that God’s presence had never left me, that He had been with me there in solitary.”

My friends, you too can overcome adversities by using the secret that Dr. King used. Actually it’s not a secret; it has been around since the beginning of time. It’s God in our midst who created the universe. A good father leaves an inheritance and a legacy to his children. The secret, the legacy is the Word of God, by which you are enabled and empowered to be the Head and not the tail!

It worked for Dr. King, Gandhi, Moses, Joseph, Jacob, Paul, Madame C J Walker, Helen Keller, myself and countless others. The choice is yours- if you trust him He will take your hand in the midst of your storms and make you a Winner at life! Click on the link below and meditate on this song that Dr. King loved and gave him strength to go on when all hope was lost.

Stay Blessed!

From: ArchieB9876 (

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

You Can Be King Or A Gandhi

Do you want to be great? Do you want to leave a legacy of love that impacts generations yet unborn? Do you want to leave an enduring footprint of peace, hope and goodwill towards all men? If your answer is yes, then you must be the first to serve others.

You see when you use your talents to serve and build up mankind you automatically become great, because you are uniting with the Creator who said, “be fruitful and multiply.” During this King celebratory season think of what you were put on this earth to do that will promote love and goodwill towards men.

What is your assignment- to clean up the environment, find a cure for cancer, HIV/AIDS, pray for the sick, sing love songs, encourage the lonely, or bring peace to the Middle East? What is your passion? What can you do that promotes peace? Will your memorial read that you made a decision to study war no more and chose to pursue peace? Deuteronomy 30:19 says to “choose life, so that you and your children may live.”

Click on the link below and enjoy Dinah Shore and Mahalia Jackson’s version of “Down By The Riverside” as you reflect on how you can be a Winner at life!

Stay Blessed!

From: gomezparkinson (

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Dr. King!

Thank you Dr. King for standing for truth, justice and the Word of God during a time when these beliefs were not embraced by the status quo. Thank you Dr. King for sacrificing your life and demanding that America live up to its Constitution for all its citizens. Thank you Dr. King for standing up for human rights for all of God’s citizens the world over.

Thank you for enduring those long, lonely nights away from the comforts of your family and home. Thank you Dr. King for refusing to render violence for violence in the face of hurling rocks, racial epithets, attack dogs and water hoses.

Your dream, your legacy lives on in the hearts, minds and souls of individuals all over the world. You have inspired me to greatness, to dream and do the impossible. I too believe that “the universe is on the side of justice, because of our cosmic companionship with God who is on the side of truth and justice.”

May we all strive to be like Dr. King and not judge individuals by their outward appearance, but by the content of their character. When we lay down our weapons of warfare and usher in truth and justice, we then will have peace in our homes, cities and the world. By laying down our weapons we will have fulfilled the command to be fruitful and multiply and will then become Winners at life!

Stay Blessed!

From: eekabostatic (

Monday, January 14, 2008

What Is It That You Need To Overcome?

Good Morning guys,

What is it that plagues you? What is it that you tried and tried to put behind you that keeps showing up like an ugly weed? Do you realize that you have the power within you to overcome any adversity in life?

At times in the course of life it is necessary to join hands with others to overcome adversities, particularly when they are of a deeply entrenched political nature steeped in unjust societal laws. Such was the case during the Civil Rights Era. But that is the past.

Now is the time to join hands and pray and fight for the lives and souls of our children and the children of the world. It is time to usher in righteousness (right living) if we want peace in our lives. Dr. King was right- you reap what you sow.

If you want to overcome addictions of any type you must take a stand and be willing to endure criticism, hurt, and pain to achieve your goal. What is it that you need to personally overcome in your life- depression, loneliness, discrimination, drug addiction, obesity, alcoholism, sexual addictions, unemployment, or under employment?

My friends I guarantee that if you join hands with the power of Christ within, you too will overcome any challenge you may face in life. Dr. King was right, we shall overcome, but there are some challenges in life that only a higher power can break the yoke of oppression. Listen and reflect on what this video tells us about our past, as you contemplate on your potential for greatness in the here and now. My friends I guarantee that if you trust God, he will empower you to become a Winner at life!

Stay Blessed!

From: riesen2b (

Friday, January 11, 2008

How To Lower Your Risk Of Getting Alzheimer’s Disease

TGIF guys,
I hope your week has gone well. I want to share with you an article on the role of diet and its effect on our ability to enjoy a qualitative life. This subject is very dear to me because my mom is in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s Disease. One of my reasons for changing my dietary habits (see January 10, 2008 blog) has to do with witnessing the effect Alzheimer’s Disease has on my mom and family. This disease is a very slow, progressive illness where your loved one gradually loses mental functions and capacities and slips away from you.

It is painful to watch at times, but what I have garnered from being an observer is that you learn to treasure your memories, and enjoy the now. I thank God every time I can still get a smile from her or a brief remembrance and utterance of my name or one of my siblings. I treasure the present as well and my mom’s satisfaction in having her hair combed or in eating her favorite- raspberry and lime sherbet.

The good news is that advances in medicine, diet and exercise can ward off the effects of this disease. Take a moment and read this USA TODAY article below and find out how you can stay healthy, lower your risk of being affected by this disease and be a Winner at life!

Stay Blessed!

Diet Link To Alzheimer's Deepens
By Kathleen Fackelmann, USA TODAY

A vegetable stir-fry and a glass of red wine might go a long way toward preventing the formation of the brain gunk that can lead to Alzheimer's disease, studies report Monday.

The findings involving experiments with mice add to an increasing body of evidence, including human studies, that suggest the high-fat Western-style diet might lead not just to heart attacks but also to Alzheimer's, a disease expected to afflict up to 16 million people in the USA by 2050.

But if new research by Narayan Bhat of the Medical University of South Carolina and others pans out, Americans might be able to change that future in part by steering clear of artery-clogging foods.

Bhat took healthy lab mice and fed them a diet with lots of saturated fat and cholesterol. After two months, he gave the mice, which were middle-aged by then, a memory test and found that those fed the bad diet flunked: They made errors finding their way around a water maze.

Mice eating the bad diet also had an increase in a toxic brain protein called beta amyloid, Bhat says. Many scientists believe that beta amyloid deposits in the brain lead to the symptoms of Alzheimer's.

Bhat presented the results on Sunday at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in Atlanta. The findings raise the hope that a diet low in saturated fat might prevent that build-up of beta amyloid — and Alzheimer's disease.

A study posted online this month suggests just that: The report in the Archives of Neurology found that people eating a Mediterranean-style diet — low in saturated-fat animal products and high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains — had a lower risk of Alzheimer's than people eating standard American fare.

Italians and others who live around the Mediterranean often drink red wine with dinner, and a second study at the neuroscience meeting adds to evidence suggesting that something in red wine or grapes might offer protection against Alzheimer's.

Giulio Pasinetti of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York gave mice that had been genetically altered to develop Alzheimer's a small dose of red wine every day for 11 months. Then Pasinetti gave a memory test to the wine-fed mice and a control group that received no wine.

The Alzheimer's mice that were given no wine faltered on the test. But the mice that had been drinking small amounts of Cabernet Sauvignon found their way around the maze surely and swiftly, a sign that they still had a sharp memory, Pasinetti says.

Alcohol consumption can cause many health problems. So people who already drink should limit their consumption to about a single glass of red a day, Pasinetti says. And don't expect wine or any other single food to compensate for a diet that has lots of unhealthful fat, says P. Murali Doraiswamy, an Alzheimer's expert at Duke University: "You can't wash down a double cheeseburger with a glass of red and expect to get a brain benefit."
Copyright 2008 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

What’s For Dinner Mom? - Trick Your Tummy: Eat BeforeYou Eat by Nanci Hellmich

Good Morning guys,
One of my New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight. The other day I took an honest look in the mirror and decided that yes I, need to watch my waistline. A sedentary lifestyle was starting to affect me. Perhaps I’ve been blogging too much instead of exercising (smile).

As you probably know everyone has a special diet that “guarantees” to make you lose weight, but can you keep it off? That’s where there is no guarantee. I did some research and I want to share with you some sensible advice for those who want to lose weight, keep it off and not have to pay an arm and a leg for it, join a special group, eat certain foods etc. The article I found below is entitled, “Trick your tummy: Eat before you eat”, by Nanci Hellmich. What I like best about is that it is based on scientific studies and common sense.

I will let you know how I fare on this sensible eating plan as time goes on. The article does not mention adding exercise to your daily regiment, but of course we all know that 20-30 minutes a day of exercise based on your health status is extremely beneficial. This is the only body we have and we must take care of it if we want to be a Winner at life!

Stay Blessed!

Trick your tummy: Eat before you eat
By Nanci Hellmich, USA TODAY
If you want to cut calories without going hungry, consider eating an apple, low-calorie salad or broth-based soup before meals.
These are ways that have been scientifically proven to work by nutrition researchers at Pennsylvania State University. Their studies show that:
• People who eat an apple about 15 minutes before lunch consume an average of 187 fewer calories at the meal than when they have applesauce, apple juice or nothing at all. This calorie savings includes the calories from the apple.
ARCHIVE: An apple a day keeps the calories at bay
• Men and women who have 1½ to 2 cups of vegetable soup before a meal consume about 134 calories less at the meal than when they don't have a bowl of the broth-based soup. That includes the soup calories.
• Women who eat a large salad (about 3 cups) before lunch consume 12% fewer calories at the meal (salad calories included) than when they don't have the salad beforehand.
'IN DEFENSE OF FOOD': Author stresses veggies, 'real' ingredients
"The trick is to make sure that first course only contains about 100 to 150 calories," says Barbara Rolls, a professor of nutritional sciences at Penn State and author of The Volumetrics Eating Plan.
Julie Flood, a nutrition researcher who worked on the studies with apples and soup, agrees that dieters have to be careful. "If you run out and order broccoli cheddar soup or a salad loaded with meat, cheese and high-fat dressing, this is not going to work."
Rolls has conducted other studies that show people can feel full on fewer calories if fiber-rich or water-filled fruits and vegetables are added to standard recipes and menu plans. That way, the same-size portions they'd normally eat contain fewer calories. This is called lowering the energy density of foods.
In practical terms this means:
•Adding vegetables such as spinach, zucchini, yellow squash, broccoli, carrots, peppers and onions to lasagna, casseroles, pasta dishes and pizza.
•Increasing the proportion of vegetables in stir-fry dishes, broth-based soups and stews.
•Snacking on fresh fruit rather than dried fruit. One-fourth cup of raisins has the same calories as 1⅔ cups of grapes.
•Adding extra vegetables to sandwiches.
A growing body of evidence shows that eating enough fish, chicken, lean meat, low-fat dairy, beans, nuts or other protein-rich foods helps ward off hunger and helps people feel full longer.
More research needs to be done on protein's effect on satiety, Rolls says. But in the meantime, she suggests making sure you have a good source of low-fat protein at most meals.
It could be low-fat milk with your cereal, water-packed tuna for lunch, or chicken or legumes for dinner. It's also good to find protein-rich snacks, she says, such as yogurt, low-fat string mozzarella cheese, black bean dip or hummus with vegetables

Find this article at:

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Is America Ready For A Black President?

from BarackObamadotcom

Good Morning guys,
I want to share with you an article about how Europe sees Presidential candidate Obama. This is a historic time in our history and I think it is important to be cognizant of it and also to make your children aware of this great moment in time. Written by Troy McMullen it reads as follows:

Obama Takes Europe by Storm
After Iowa, Obama Becomes Candidate to Watch in Europe
BERLIN, Germany, Jan. 8, 2008 —
Americans enthralled by Barack Obama's sudden rise to the top of the political heap will have plenty of company when they tune in later today for the New Hampshire primary results.
Europeans, who typically have little interest in U.S. presidential primary contests, are likely to tune in as well.
"After Iowa much of Europe wants to know more about Barack Obama," said Christoph von Marschall, Washington bureau chief for Germany's Der Tagesspiegel newspaper and author of the book "Barack Obama, The Black Kennedy."
"Most Europeans and certainly many Germans know very little about Obama, but he's really captured their imaginations."
Obama's popularity has soared in Europe since his startling win in Iowa, with European newspapers and television networks from Stockholm to Berlin to London now filled with images of the Illinois senator.
In Paris, stories about Obama replaced President Nicolas Sarkozy's love life on the front pages of the newspapers Le Figaro, Libération and Le Monde, which on the day after the Iowa caucuses proclaimed: "The Greater America opts for the New Man."
At a news conference today in Paris, Sarkozy said he's also following the U.S. elections closely. In between fielding questions about his romance with French model Carla Bruni, Sarkozy said he has met with Obama, but would not hint at who he was backing. "It's not me who decides," he told reporters.
London dailies followed suit. "Race reshaped by the son of Kenyan goatherd," blared The Times of London, which, along with the Daily Telegraph, The Independent and The Guardian, featured large photos of Obama in front-page articles. Multipage spreads adorned the inside of top-selling British newspapers.
Here in Germany, where many were surprised to see Sen. Hillary Clinton place third in Iowa, major newspapers printed headlines comparing Obama with John F. Kennedy, still a revered figure in Germany and particularly in Berlin. A headline in The Berliner Morgenpost this weekend screamed "The New Kennedy." The tabloid newspaper Bild, the largest selling news daily in the country, went with, "This Black American Has Become the New Kennedy!"
As long lines of tourists gathered outside Berlin's Reichstag building today for daily tours, many people seemed eager to discuss U.S. politics.
"I think he is doing something quite special in America," Kerstin Schafer, a 38-year-old housewife from the eastern German city of Dessau, said of Obama. "I think many Germans see him as a better candidate than the others."
Anselm Unger, a 52-year-old machinist from Berlin, says he thinks Obama is exciting to watch, but said, "Mrs. Clinton is a very strong person with a lot of experience in these situations, so it may be too soon to say if Mr. Barack will win."
Although Obama's newfound popularity in western Europe underscores his broad appeal, it is somewhat surprising. According to his staff, he has made just three trips abroad while in the Senate, visiting a total of 14 countries. That included one visit to western or central Europe a brief stopover in London.
But Obama routinely addresses America's declining popularity in the world. "The day I'm inaugurated, America will look at itself differently, and the world will look at America differently," he said Monday while campaigning in New Hampshire.
Observers say his sharp rise in popularity in Europe is fueled by more than his staunch opposition to the war in Iraq, which has long been unpopular in Europe.
Gary Smith, executive director of the American Academy in Berlin, says that although Obama is still far from the White House, he's accentuating what's good in American politics if not in America itself, particularly as the end of the Bush era looms.
"Europeans are tired of the image of a divided America," said Smith. Obama's rise "gives a sense of hope and optimism of a more inclusive America that is likely to mend fences abroad, particularly in Europe."
Europeans have long followed U.S. presidential elections closely and polls here consistently show that they believe a change at the White House will have a positive effect on the United States and on America's relationships with other countries. Germans, in particular, have kept a watchful eye on U.S. political events after the rise of American influence after World War II.
But many people note a real surge of interest in this year's primary contests, mainly because several presidential contenders come to the race with global recognition.
Rudy Giuliani's international profile soared after the attacks on New York on Sept. 11, 2001. Because Bill Clinton was universally loved in much of Europe, Hillary Clinton attained instant star status when she declared her candidacy for the White House. And now Barack Obama, the strongest black candidate for president in decades, is catching on in Europe because many here are startled to see a black candidate do well in American politics.
Indeed, much of the buzz surrounding Obama centers on his race.
"Iowa is a U.S. state that has never elected an African-American to any office," the Berlin daily Die Tageszeitung wrote in an opinion piece. The paper's front page included a large photo of Obama beneath the headline "Whites select black."
Obama's race "is the kind of the thing that will certainly arouse interest" in Europe, says von Marschall, the German author and journalist. He says the fact that America is considering electing a black president is striking for Europeans who often view the United States and sometimes their own countries as still racially divided. By voting for a minority candidate, "Americans are closer to doing something that is still unimaginable in much of Europe."
Copyright © 2008 ABC News Internet Ventures

Is America ready for a Black President? You have a chance to decide when you go to the polls. I have found in life that it is not what others think about you, it’s what’s you think about yourself. Clearly Obama should be applauded for having a vision, a dream and the strength and passion to pursue it. Muhammad Ali had this same passion and convinced the world that he was the greatest!

What are you working on in your life- what is your passion? You can’t wait until the world says it’s time for your debut on stage. You have the power to decide. Only you know what gifts, talents and desires God has placed in you. Is America or the world ready to see your greatness? It’s up to you- do it afraid, but you must take the first step! Write your vision, your dream down on paper, ask for guidance from God and run with it until you get to the finish line. It will be 2009 before you know it. Like Obama, Ali, Helen Keller, and many others you too can be a Winner at life!

Stay Blessed!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Do You Feel Like You Are Going Insane?

Like most people you probably answered “no” immediately. I used to work with individuals at GMHI (Georgia Mental Health Institute) who had been diagnosed as insane. I can recall one young homicidal man that was so deranged that we needed at least five individuals to bring him his meal for fear that he might strike out and kill one of us. This is probably what most people think of when they hear the word insane.

But my friends, if you keep doing the same thing and you get the same results; your behavior meets the definition of insanity. One of the definitions of insanity is behavior that is “utterly foolish or unreasonable.” If there is some addictive behavior that has a stronghold on your life and you tried and tried to release it and you can’t- that’s insanity. It's a stronghold, a yoke that has you tied up. Depression, poverty, unemployment, underemployment, compulsive spending, risky sexual behavior, smoking, drug addiction, negative thinking, etc. - these are all strongholds.

The good news is that these strongholds can be overcome, but they must be confronted with “sane” responses if you want to destroy this behavior and not self-destruct. For individuals struggling with various addictions click on This site has links to various versions of Alcohol Anonymous’ world acclaimed 12-Step program for all types of addictive behavior.

When I’m struggling with a stronghold I resort to these steps and modify them according to the challenge I’m facing. The first three steps are as follows:

1) I admitted that I was powerless over (I fill in the blank with whatever my challenge is)—that my life had become unmanageable.
2. Came to believe that a Power greater than myself could restore me to sanity.
3. Made a decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God as I understood Him.

Another method I use to overcome the strongholds in my life is to listen to music like the Biblical King Saul did to soothe the beast in him. Yes, my friends if we want to be the Head and not the tail, we must confront our weaknesses and take reasonable actions. Click on the link below and Let Go and Let God make you the Winner at life that you were designed to be.

Stay Blessed!

Dewayne Woods "Let Go" (From: kennysw23

Monday, January 7, 2008

Did Someone Drop You In Your Infancy?

Good Morning guys,
My title may have thrown you off guard. But I think if you honestly think about the question, you will have to say, “Yes, somewhere through the course of life I have been dropped, like Mephibosheth.” For those of you who are not familiar with the story found in 2 Samuel 4, in a nutshell it is as follows: Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan was dropped by his nurse and was crippled for life. The story ends with Mephibosheth being cared for by King David and ate from his table for life.

Many of us have been dropped in life. It may have been a relative or friend that abused or neglected us during our childhood. Sometimes we are dropped by a loved one who promised to love us ‘til death do we part. Others may have been dropped by a business partner, a deal or relationship that went sour. Others have been dropped or not even considered because of race, color, gender or exterior appearance.

The “Good News” tells us that if we fight the good fight of faith, partner with the Davids in our life, we like Mephibosheth will eat from the King’s table. If you don’t believe me, read the Bible for yourself. It states clearly in Deuteronomy 28:13 that by following the Word, we will be the “Head” and not the tail.

Yes, God will lift us up on his shoulders and get us through our midnight experiences. He will turn our failures into successes. God wants to be our bridge over troubled waters. He is able to strengthen our lame legs and provide all of our needs like He did for Mephibosheth. “Our time has come to shine, all our dreams are on the way!” Click on the link below, listen to Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel (Bridge Over Troubled Waters) and meditate on how you can be a Winner at life!

Stay Blessed!

Bridge Over Troubled Waters by cloud2100 (

Friday, January 4, 2008

The Secret To Success By C. Joyce Farrar-Rosemon

Good Morning guys,
As promised, I will share with you today my secret to success. It’s as old as the Bible; as a matter of fact its secrets are contained in the Bible. These archaic words are the second set of footprints that accompany me when I dare to lose sight of the shore. It is a mysterious force, a presence that’s hard to put a finger on, but amazingly can be heard or felt at times.

It’s an unknown presence that I sometimes get a glimpse of in the smile of a baby. Sometimes I see it in the rainbow after a storm. Other times I see it when the first buds form on a tree. It’s sort of like the ocean waves that push against me. Each caress of the waves tells me that I am loved. They tell me that this beautiful creation was put here by a beautiful Creator that wants all of us to enjoy life and all of its seasons.

Yes, sometimes the seasons bring inclement weather, but the storms always past. When I’m feeling down, depressed and tired the following verse brings me comfort and tells me that whatever storm I’m going through, that it too will pass. It is found in Isaiah 49:15-16 NIV:

"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me."

This verse has gotten me through the midnights in my life to daybreak. It has turned my failures into success. It beckons me to come up higher and tells me that I am stronger than I think I am. It raises my consciousness and tells me that I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. Yes, I am strong when I am on His shoulder. He has raised me up to be more than I can be.

Music is another resource that has gotten me through my midnights to daybreak. Click on the link below and listen to Josh Groban’s, “You Raise Me Up.” Truly, we are created to be Winners at life!

Have a great weekend and Stay Blessed!


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Now Is Not The Time To Quit!

Good Morning guys!
I have decided that one of the major keys to success is simply having a mindset that refuses to give up. Plain and simple- the race is not given to the swift, but to those that endure to the end. We out of all the animals in the animal kingdom have the ability to reshape our world and destiny. A horse will always be a horse, a cow, a cow, etc. I’m sure you get what I mean.

True enough, your funds may be low and your debts may be too embarrassing or nerve-racking to mention, but this is not the truth about your situation. The truth is that you have the ability to reshape your life and destiny. Your FEAR of achieving your goal is simply (F)alse (E)vidence (A)ppearing as (R)eal.

What is real is that you as a human are fearfully and wonderfully made. The only true obstacle to your success is yourself. Yes, there are challenges that you will face in life, but you have an incredible mind that will allow you to get out of all the mazes in your life. If a laboratory rat can do it- what’s your excuse? Excuses are simply a reason to give up. As long as there is breath in your body, don’t give up! There are many who would like to be in your shoes. Your obstacle can be someone else’s opportunity for greatness.

Christopher Columbus said, “You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” Tomorrow I will share with you my secret to success, the unseen partner, the second set of footprints that accompany me when I dare to lose sight of the shore. For now, click on this link below- it will inspire you to fight on until victory is achieved. You can be a Winner at life!

Stay Blessed!

The Don't Quit Poem (

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What's For Dinner Mom?

For those of you who have been following my column, you probably know that I am a transplanted Yankee. One of the things I miss about Boston is the diversity and the exchange of foods and different cultures. I want to share with you a scrumptious, nutritional and low fat recipe for Portuguese beans and rice that I had misplaced, but thankfully I found at

I’m on a mission this year to improve my diet and stay in shape. If you have any low fat recipes (they must be delicious!) please send them to me and I will post them. Together we can be Winners at life!
Stay Blessed!

Jagacida (Jag) - Beans and Rice from Cape Verde Recipe #134997
by justcallmetoni
© 2007 Recipezaar. All Rights Reserved.

12 servings 42 min 12 min prep
2 tablespoons oil
1 medium onion
3 cups rice
6 cups water
1 (15 ounce) can kidney beans
1 tablespoon smokey paprika
2 bay leaves
1. Cut up onions in a 2 quart pan and simmer until golden brown in oil.
2. Add 6 cups of water to onions, paprika, and bay leaves. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
3. Bring to a boil and add 3 cups of rice. Lower heat, add beans (), cover pan and simmer for 25 minutes or until water is absorbed and rice is cooked.
4. Turn off stove and let stand.
© 2007 Recipezaar. All Rights Reserved.

Nutrition Facts
Calculated for 1 serving (214g)
Recipe makes 12 servings
Calories 230
Calories from Fat 25 (11%)
Amount Per Serving %DV
Total Fat 2.8g 4%
Saturated Fat 0.4g 2%
Polyunsat. Fat 1.4g
Monounsat. Fat 0.8g
Trans Fat 0.0g
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 108mg 4%
Potassium 152mg 4%
Total Carbohydrate 45.1g 15%
Dietary Fiber 2.5g 10%
Sugars 1.1g
Protein 5.2g 10%
Vitamin A 304mcg 6%
Vitamin B6 0.1mg 6%
Vitamin B12 0.0mcg 0%
Vitamin C 1mg 2%
Vitamin E 0mcg 1%
Calcium 21mg 2%
Magnesium 29mg 7%
Iron 2mg 15%
Alcohol 0.0g Caffeine 0.0mg

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

You Can Be Great in 2008!

Happy New Year!
Are you ready to achieve greatness in your life? Do you truly want to be the Head and not the Tail? If so, then hopefully you have taken the first step I outlined yesterday (see December 31, 2007 post) and have given yourself and others a forgiveness treatment. Let the past be the past. It’s gone like 2007- there is absolutely nothing you can do to bring it back. It is time to forgive yourself and others. Let go of the emotional drama and baggage of the past that causes you to feel depressed, lonely, an underachiever, etc.

You are made for greatness because you are made in the image and likeness of God. Look around, do you see any junk that God has made? Everything has a purpose and an interrelationship in the universe. We as co-creators of God are charged to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth.

Because we have the gift of imagination, we can visualize good as well as evil. The problem most of us have is that we sometimes choose to see ourselves through negative lens that diminish our self-esteem. Our greatest enemy is often ourselves! During the early 1900s Madame C. J. Walker became a millionaire because she took an idea, a dream, and relentlessly pursued it until her passion became her miracle.

Today is the only day you have. Write your vision down now and next to it write what steps you will take today to achieve it. If your vision is to lose weight, write down the healthy foods you will eat today. Visualize yourself saying “no” to that second piece of cheesecake and eating an apple instead. As you make it a normal part of your routine with daily exercise you will become stronger. Soon you will find that you don’t crave the cheesecake any longer and will choose an apple without any thought or reservation. This is a way of loving yourself and treating yourself like the king and queen you were created to be.

As God found Jacob in a desert land, he will find and keep you as the apple of his eye (Deuteronomy 32:10). Know that you are loved! I guarantee that if you draw near to God He will draw near to you (James 4:8). The sun arose today because you are loved. It was not a coincidence.

Stay Blessed!

P. S.
I came across this video (“ebufford” that hopefully inspires you to greatness and to accomplish things of enduring value.