Hello guys,
It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood. My cholesterol is done and I am counting my blessings one by one. I am particularly excited about sharing with you the release of a powerful, life impacting, and motivational book. It is entitled, How To Get To The Palace From Your Prison! Joseph’s 14-Step Program to Overcome Loneliness, Depression, Discrimination, Barrenness & Abuse written by yours truly.
A synopsis of the book is as follows: “The Biblical story of Joseph is used to uncover a 14-Step Recovery Plan to overcome loneliness, depression, discrimination, barrenness and abuse. The author’s spiritual and psychological analysis of Joseph’s trials, tribulations, and triumphs reveals to the reader how to achieve the promises of God and arrive at that place of shalom, the Hebrew word for peace. Farrar-Rosemon defines the word to mean “nothing missing and nothing broken” in the reader’s life.
The author draws on her background as a broker and psychiatric social worker and shares how her personal tragedies and those of other individuals and groups were resolved using this 14-Step Program. This book details statistics on depression, unemployment, abuse, addictions, miscarriage, abortion, HIV/AIDS, discrimination and other timely social and psychological ills. The Appendix contains national toll-free 800 resource numbers for individuals and groups to connect with so that they can begin the healing process.” For a free preview click on, How To Get To The Palace From Your Prison!
Remember it’s important that you don’t let others define who you are and what you can become. Stir up the gifts and talents that God has placed in you. Encourage yourself when no one else will. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made and it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. He wants to make you a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
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