Good Morning guys,
I have a special free gift for my readers this last day in 2007 designed to 1) give you a free makeover, 2) make you the Head in your (relationships, profession, and outlook on life) and 3) give you peace of mind. This exercise is a snapshot of what I do in my seminars. It is guaranteed to extend your life, make you look years younger and make you a Winner at life!
Happy New Year and Stay Blessed!
Joyce’s Free Extreme Makeover Treatment©2007
1) I now forgive myself for not living up to my full potential. I forgive myself for harboring unkind thoughts or for any unkind acts I have committed against __________________. I take personal responsibility for my thoughts and actions.
I also forgive those enemies that are lodged within the “inner me” named __________________________________.
2) I now forgive the following persons for any offenses real or perceived offenses committed against me: ___________________________________________________
3) I choose to die to any of the following that hinders my spiritual, physical, emotional and financial progress:
______ jealousy ____drug addiction _____lasciviousness
______ envy ____sexual perversion _____fear
______ covetousness ____fornication _____greed
______ anger ____adultery _____hate
______ overeating ____alcoholism _____unforgiveness
4) I choose God’s more excellent way and I agree that I am made in the image and likeness of God and as such I demonstrate in my life the following:
____ love ____goodness _____wisdom ____gentleness
____ joy ____faith _____intelligence _____prosperity
____ peace of mind ____meekness _____creativity _____forgiveness
____ longsuffering ____temperance _____persistence _____wealth
_____health ____wholeness
5) Fully restored my goals for 2008 are as follows: ___________________________________________________
6) I take the following action steps today towards my goals:
Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
The Value Of Time
Good Morning guys,
It rained last night in Georgia and I am grateful to God for that. Do you ever wonder where the rain comes from? Ask a 5th grader about the rain cycle and you will be amazed. Sorry for digressing, but I just had to talk about the rain last night. It was wonderful to hear it, very calming, reassuring- like being rocked in a cradle. God is good!
I want to share with you a poem called, “The Value of Time” that was forwarded to me. As we reflect on what this year has brought us, let us begin to focus and plan to make 2008 our best year yet. Please continue to send me your thoughts, poems, questions, articles, etc. and if appropriate, I will post them. Let’s work together so that we all can be Winners at life!
Stay Blessed!
It rained last night in Georgia and I am grateful to God for that. Do you ever wonder where the rain comes from? Ask a 5th grader about the rain cycle and you will be amazed. Sorry for digressing, but I just had to talk about the rain last night. It was wonderful to hear it, very calming, reassuring- like being rocked in a cradle. God is good!
I want to share with you a poem called, “The Value of Time” that was forwarded to me. As we reflect on what this year has brought us, let us begin to focus and plan to make 2008 our best year yet. Please continue to send me your thoughts, poems, questions, articles, etc. and if appropriate, I will post them. Let’s work together so that we all can be Winners at life!
Stay Blessed!
The Value of Time
To realize
The value of a sisterAsk someone
Who doesn't have one.
To realize
The value of 10 years:
Ask a newly Divorced couple.
To realize
The value of 4 years:
Ask a graduate.
To realize
The value of 1 year:
Ask a student who Has failed a final exam.
To realize
The value of 9 months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.
To realize
The value of 1 month:
Ask a mother who has given birth to
A premature baby.
To realize
The value of 1 week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize
The value of 1 minute:
Ask a person
Who has missed the train, bus or plane.
To realize
The value of 1 second:
Ask a person Who has survived an accident.
Time waits for no one.
Treasure every moment you have.
You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special.
To realize the value of a friend or family member:
The origin of this letter is unknown,
But it brings good luck to everyone who passes it on.
Inspiration and Motivation
Thursday, December 27, 2007
A Guide to Handling The Famines In Your Life
Are you experiencing a famine in your life? A shortage of healthy relationships, money, energy, health, joy, peace of mind, under or unemployment, to name a few?
Guess what this is a blessing in disguise! This is an opportunity for you to experience fulfillment in your life. Like the Wise Old Man (see December 13 post) who chose to be happy in advance, let’s take a positive attitude and say to the famines in our life like the Biblical Joseph, “you meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.”
Here is my recipe for handling the famines I encounter in life. Here’s how you can take a negative- FAMINES and turn it into a positive:
Have (F)aith in God’s promise, that He made you to be the Head and not the Tail. Practice forgiveness and love unconditionally.
Develop an (A)ppetite for healthy foods that promote life and build your immune system.
Listen to (M)usic daily that is uplifting and inspires you to achieve greatness.
(I)ncrease your knowledge base, never stop learning and trying new things. Take a course, go back to school or finish your degree.
Don’t (N)eglect your needs and be moderate with your desires. Leave something behind for the gleaners. Be honest with yourself.
(E)xercise- daily meditate on God’s Word and pray without ceasing. Physically work out 30 minutes at least 4-5 times a week.
(S)et goals that stretch you. Find a mentor or group that you can be accountable to.
If you confront your famines in a positive way as I have outlined, I guarantee that you will be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
Guess what this is a blessing in disguise! This is an opportunity for you to experience fulfillment in your life. Like the Wise Old Man (see December 13 post) who chose to be happy in advance, let’s take a positive attitude and say to the famines in our life like the Biblical Joseph, “you meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.”
Here is my recipe for handling the famines I encounter in life. Here’s how you can take a negative- FAMINES and turn it into a positive:
Have (F)aith in God’s promise, that He made you to be the Head and not the Tail. Practice forgiveness and love unconditionally.
Develop an (A)ppetite for healthy foods that promote life and build your immune system.
Listen to (M)usic daily that is uplifting and inspires you to achieve greatness.
(I)ncrease your knowledge base, never stop learning and trying new things. Take a course, go back to school or finish your degree.
Don’t (N)eglect your needs and be moderate with your desires. Leave something behind for the gleaners. Be honest with yourself.
(E)xercise- daily meditate on God’s Word and pray without ceasing. Physically work out 30 minutes at least 4-5 times a week.
(S)et goals that stretch you. Find a mentor or group that you can be accountable to.
If you confront your famines in a positive way as I have outlined, I guarantee that you will be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
How To Handle The Holiday Bills And Stay Sane!
Now that Christmas is over, unfortunately the bills along with anxiety, depression, shortness of temper, fear, and loneliness will roll in like the New Year. Consumer Credit Card Counseling Services (CCCS) reports the following statistics:
It is estimated that, on average, 20% of Americans have “maxed out” their credit cards.
About 25% of adults in the United States have a history of credit problems.
Americans’ average credit card debt is $8400 per household.
Roughly 24% of personal expenditures in the United States are made using bank credit cards, retail cards, and debit cards.
In the first quarter of 2002, total credit debt was $660 billion. Total credit card debt was approximately $60 billion.
Approximately 185 million American consumers have at least one credit card.
Of those 185 million consumers with credit cards, 1.3 million credit card holders declared bankruptcy in 2002.
Americans pay, on average, an 18.9% interest rate on credit cards.
The average household pays $83.33 in credit card interest per month.
On average, the typical credit card purchase is 112% higher than if using cash.
More than 40% of American families spend more than they earn. (Federal Reserve).
As of 1995, 92% of American family disposable income is spent on paying debts, up from 65% in 1975. (Federal Reserve)
An $8,000 debt, at a rate of 18% interest, will take over 25 years to pay off and cost more than $24,000 in the long run. [1]
One of the things I am most grateful for this year is getting out of debt (see my December 21 post). It was very anxiety provoking for me to go to the mailbox and hold my breath while I opened my bills and wondered if the payment I sent arrived in time. The spiral effect of sending in a late payment escalating the interest rates on my other debts including my mortgage(s) loomed heavily in my mind.
What worked for me was 1) faith in God, praying, 2) thanking God for what I did have (food, health, shelter, family and friends), 3) tithing (yes, giving 10% to the church, even when I didn’t have enough to pay all my bills), 4) giving an offering, 5) paying my bills even if it was the minimum amount and 6) working at whatever opportunity that came my way.
I know many individuals lack the discipline to persevere when it seems like all hope is gone. It is difficult to pay your bills when friends are buying every new gadget that comes on the market and you sometimes feel you are not a good parent if you don’t buy your child that expensive toy that every kid wants. But, look at the statistics above. Would you rather disappoint your child or yourself now or later when you tell them you have to move because your house is facing foreclosure? What legacy will you then leave for your children?
For those who don’t have the discipline, I would recommend that you contact CCCS. It is a nationwide nonprofit service that offers free and confidential budget, credit, and housing counseling plus debt repayment plans. They have been in business since 1964 helping people pay their bills.
CCCS professional counselors offer individual, confidential advice for developing budgets, managing money, using credit wisely and building a savings plan. Their advisors will review your current situation and collaborate with you to determine the best possible financial strategies, offering solutions to your current financial problems as well as personalized plans for preventing financial pitfalls in the years to come.
For individuals and families who are overextended, CCCS offers assistance through its Debt Management Plan (DMP). The DMP is a systematic way to pay down your outstanding debt through monthly deposits to CCCS, which in turn distributes these funds to your creditors. CCCS works with clients and creditors alike to design a debt repayment program that will minimize monthly payments, interest and related fees, providing a manageable, tailored plan for each of its clients.
By participating in this program, you may benefit from reduced or waived finance charges and fewer collection calls, and when you have completed your payments, we'll help you reestablish your credit. Ultimately, DMPs serve the dual purpose of helping you repay debts and helping your creditors receive the money owed them.
This service, which is available in English or Spanish, will help you develop and manage your own plan so that you can do more with what you have. Call toll-free for a free budget counseling session today at 1-800-251-CCCS (2227). If you want our help in stopping collector calls and dropping interest rates, if you want peace of mind knowing that you have a plan to get out of debt, call CCCS or start an online counseling session immediately at
Let’s start the New Year off right and become the Winner at life you were designed to be.
Stay Blessed!
It is estimated that, on average, 20% of Americans have “maxed out” their credit cards.
About 25% of adults in the United States have a history of credit problems.
Americans’ average credit card debt is $8400 per household.
Roughly 24% of personal expenditures in the United States are made using bank credit cards, retail cards, and debit cards.
In the first quarter of 2002, total credit debt was $660 billion. Total credit card debt was approximately $60 billion.
Approximately 185 million American consumers have at least one credit card.
Of those 185 million consumers with credit cards, 1.3 million credit card holders declared bankruptcy in 2002.
Americans pay, on average, an 18.9% interest rate on credit cards.
The average household pays $83.33 in credit card interest per month.
On average, the typical credit card purchase is 112% higher than if using cash.
More than 40% of American families spend more than they earn. (Federal Reserve).
As of 1995, 92% of American family disposable income is spent on paying debts, up from 65% in 1975. (Federal Reserve)
An $8,000 debt, at a rate of 18% interest, will take over 25 years to pay off and cost more than $24,000 in the long run. [1]
One of the things I am most grateful for this year is getting out of debt (see my December 21 post). It was very anxiety provoking for me to go to the mailbox and hold my breath while I opened my bills and wondered if the payment I sent arrived in time. The spiral effect of sending in a late payment escalating the interest rates on my other debts including my mortgage(s) loomed heavily in my mind.
What worked for me was 1) faith in God, praying, 2) thanking God for what I did have (food, health, shelter, family and friends), 3) tithing (yes, giving 10% to the church, even when I didn’t have enough to pay all my bills), 4) giving an offering, 5) paying my bills even if it was the minimum amount and 6) working at whatever opportunity that came my way.
I know many individuals lack the discipline to persevere when it seems like all hope is gone. It is difficult to pay your bills when friends are buying every new gadget that comes on the market and you sometimes feel you are not a good parent if you don’t buy your child that expensive toy that every kid wants. But, look at the statistics above. Would you rather disappoint your child or yourself now or later when you tell them you have to move because your house is facing foreclosure? What legacy will you then leave for your children?
For those who don’t have the discipline, I would recommend that you contact CCCS. It is a nationwide nonprofit service that offers free and confidential budget, credit, and housing counseling plus debt repayment plans. They have been in business since 1964 helping people pay their bills.
CCCS professional counselors offer individual, confidential advice for developing budgets, managing money, using credit wisely and building a savings plan. Their advisors will review your current situation and collaborate with you to determine the best possible financial strategies, offering solutions to your current financial problems as well as personalized plans for preventing financial pitfalls in the years to come.
For individuals and families who are overextended, CCCS offers assistance through its Debt Management Plan (DMP). The DMP is a systematic way to pay down your outstanding debt through monthly deposits to CCCS, which in turn distributes these funds to your creditors. CCCS works with clients and creditors alike to design a debt repayment program that will minimize monthly payments, interest and related fees, providing a manageable, tailored plan for each of its clients.
By participating in this program, you may benefit from reduced or waived finance charges and fewer collection calls, and when you have completed your payments, we'll help you reestablish your credit. Ultimately, DMPs serve the dual purpose of helping you repay debts and helping your creditors receive the money owed them.
This service, which is available in English or Spanish, will help you develop and manage your own plan so that you can do more with what you have. Call toll-free for a free budget counseling session today at 1-800-251-CCCS (2227). If you want our help in stopping collector calls and dropping interest rates, if you want peace of mind knowing that you have a plan to get out of debt, call CCCS or start an online counseling session immediately at
Let’s start the New Year off right and become the Winner at life you were designed to be.
Stay Blessed!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
A Message From Shirley Caesar and C. Joyce Farrar-Rosemon
Merry Christmas to all!
This song and video exemplifies what Christmas means to me. The greatest gift we can receive at any time during our lifetime is the gift God gave to us through his Son, Jesus- the gift of forgiveness, redemption, health, wholeness, peace of mind and life eternal. All at no charge! By Jesus’ stripes we are already healed and no weapon formed against us will prosper! Click, listen and enjoy. You can be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
By codewit-(
This song and video exemplifies what Christmas means to me. The greatest gift we can receive at any time during our lifetime is the gift God gave to us through his Son, Jesus- the gift of forgiveness, redemption, health, wholeness, peace of mind and life eternal. All at no charge! By Jesus’ stripes we are already healed and no weapon formed against us will prosper! Click, listen and enjoy. You can be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
By codewit-(
Inspiration and Motivation
Monday, December 24, 2007
What's Wrong With Saying Merry Christmas?

When I was growing up one of the holidays I looked forward to was Christmas. Maybe it had to do with the fact that I grew up in Boston and Northerners are said to be as cold as ice. But during the Christmas season, this holiday melted many a personality and it seemed everywhere you went people greeted and wished you a “Merry Christmas.”
During the late ‘60s there emerged a political correctness era, but even then if you wished someone a “Merry Christmas” who was not a Christian, they were not offended and you apologetically responded back with a Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwaanza or Happy Holiday greeting.
As the world becomes smaller and smaller, we must stay true to our identity like the three Hebrew boys, but also see the common denominator in all religions and cultural celebrations. If we look at the major religious belief systems, the common denominator is - God is love. Let us focus on what binds us as opposed to what separates and divides us. Let’s finds ways to heal the broken hearted, feed the hungry, and protect the environment.
As we close out this year I want to wish everyone a Happy Hanukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwaanza or Happy Holiday greeting. You can be a Winner at Life!
Stay Blessed!
Friday, December 21, 2007
In A Time Of Famine God Delivered Me From My Fiery Furnace!
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are not the only individuals that have gone through fiery situations and have come out unscathed. This year during a severe real estate famine my husband and I sold a property for more than four times what we paid for it. With the sale of the property all of our debts have been paid off, except for good debt on properties that are appreciating in value while we write off the mortgage interest.
Now that God has removed the burden of debt (which was a form of economic slavery) from my shoulders, I am free to mentor others. This website is one way I want to empower others to release their emotional, financial, spiritual and physical shackles.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego used the power of prayer and diet to overcome their oppressive situations. My support came as well from diet, exercise, prayer and the efficacious teachings of Pastor Dale C. Bronner of Word of Faith Family Cathedral in Atlanta, Georgia.
During this Holiday Season I personally invite you to come out and hear and experience a prophet that has a message of hope and empowerment to set you free from whatever spiritual, financial, emotional or physical burdens that bind you. If you live outside of the Atlanta area, you can go online at and hear and download these inspirational messages.
But for the best deal, come out and experience in person the synergy and joy that flows through this place. It’s well worth the trip. I guarantee that you will never be the same and that you can be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
Now that God has removed the burden of debt (which was a form of economic slavery) from my shoulders, I am free to mentor others. This website is one way I want to empower others to release their emotional, financial, spiritual and physical shackles.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego used the power of prayer and diet to overcome their oppressive situations. My support came as well from diet, exercise, prayer and the efficacious teachings of Pastor Dale C. Bronner of Word of Faith Family Cathedral in Atlanta, Georgia.
During this Holiday Season I personally invite you to come out and hear and experience a prophet that has a message of hope and empowerment to set you free from whatever spiritual, financial, emotional or physical burdens that bind you. If you live outside of the Atlanta area, you can go online at and hear and download these inspirational messages.
But for the best deal, come out and experience in person the synergy and joy that flows through this place. It’s well worth the trip. I guarantee that you will never be the same and that you can be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
A Low Fat Diet To Overcome Stress That's Guaranteed To Work!
Good Morning Guys!
Guess what, I tried out the Chicken and Vegetable Stir-Fry recipe (December 18 post) last night and it was a blast as well as nutritious. The meal was very delicious and appealing. The colors- red, green, and orange took on a festive look. My 12 year old son was impressed, ate all his vegetables, but wanted a little more chicken.
Yes, we here in America do like our meat, myself included, but do we need it during the stressful times we live in? I was reminded of the Biblical story of Daniel and his three friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. During a time of captivity, opposition and discrimination they dealt with stress by choosing to eat a diet consisting of vegetables and water instead of the King’s royal diet of choice food and wine. At the end of 10 days, these four guys were healthier and better nourished than those that ate the royal food. They were later promoted by the King because they possessed ten times more wisdom and understanding than all the others.
Another secret that these men possessed was the power of prayer that enabled them to withstand fiery situations like the Lion’s Den and come out unscathed and unharmed. They say there is nothing new under the sun. Science is now verifying that a vegetarian diet and meditation (including prayer) has a beneficial effect on the body including lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol level, maintaining a healthy weight, clear thinking, etc.
As we approach the New Year, let’s try to eat smart and live right. If you have any low fat recipes you would like to share, please send them to me, so that together we can be Winners at Life!
Stay Blessed!
Guess what, I tried out the Chicken and Vegetable Stir-Fry recipe (December 18 post) last night and it was a blast as well as nutritious. The meal was very delicious and appealing. The colors- red, green, and orange took on a festive look. My 12 year old son was impressed, ate all his vegetables, but wanted a little more chicken.
Yes, we here in America do like our meat, myself included, but do we need it during the stressful times we live in? I was reminded of the Biblical story of Daniel and his three friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. During a time of captivity, opposition and discrimination they dealt with stress by choosing to eat a diet consisting of vegetables and water instead of the King’s royal diet of choice food and wine. At the end of 10 days, these four guys were healthier and better nourished than those that ate the royal food. They were later promoted by the King because they possessed ten times more wisdom and understanding than all the others.
Another secret that these men possessed was the power of prayer that enabled them to withstand fiery situations like the Lion’s Den and come out unscathed and unharmed. They say there is nothing new under the sun. Science is now verifying that a vegetarian diet and meditation (including prayer) has a beneficial effect on the body including lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol level, maintaining a healthy weight, clear thinking, etc.
As we approach the New Year, let’s try to eat smart and live right. If you have any low fat recipes you would like to share, please send them to me, so that together we can be Winners at Life!
Stay Blessed!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
How To Handle The Kids During The Christmas Break
For many parents the kids will be home for close to two and half weeks during the Christmas school break. I know many of you are wondering what can I do that is fun, creative, educational and won’t tear up my house. I have some suggestions from a great book that I pull out each year. It’s called, The Twelve Blessings of Christmas, by T. J. Mills. I love this book; it explains the heartfelt meaning of Christmas, contains numerous fun activities for kids that reinforce in a concrete way what Christmas is truly about.
I like to invite the cousins, nieces and nephews over and do several of the activities. One of my favorites is making Sand Art Brownies. It resembles the sand art projects kids do in school, but it is actually the ingredients for brownies, including decorative M&Ms, pecans to reflect the holiday colors packaged in a quart jar that kids can give away to relatives and teachers as gifts. This is a genuine recipe and the kids learn the importance of measuring exact proportions of a 1/3 cup of cocoa, 2/3 cup of sugar, etc. so that their brownies will come out tasty and delicious.
Other projects include recipes for Birdseed Balls (it teaches kids to take care of our fine feathered friends), Pomander Christmas tree Ornaments, and Jesus’ Birthday Cake (it teaches the kids about forgiveness, redemption, and everlasting life). Community projects include visiting nursing homes, Christmas caroling in the neighborhood, etc.
This colorful book also has some wonderful poems like this one written by T.J. Mills:
Tomorrow stands before us now
What will the New Year bring?
It brings the song that’s in our hearts
And the tune we choose to sing.
In spite of all the negativity, yes, there is more good, love and peace in the world. We as a human race have much to be happy about. The gift of life and how we choose to sing our song determines our destiny. We can be a blessing to others and a Winner at life- it’s all in our hands!
Stay Blessed!
I like to invite the cousins, nieces and nephews over and do several of the activities. One of my favorites is making Sand Art Brownies. It resembles the sand art projects kids do in school, but it is actually the ingredients for brownies, including decorative M&Ms, pecans to reflect the holiday colors packaged in a quart jar that kids can give away to relatives and teachers as gifts. This is a genuine recipe and the kids learn the importance of measuring exact proportions of a 1/3 cup of cocoa, 2/3 cup of sugar, etc. so that their brownies will come out tasty and delicious.
Other projects include recipes for Birdseed Balls (it teaches kids to take care of our fine feathered friends), Pomander Christmas tree Ornaments, and Jesus’ Birthday Cake (it teaches the kids about forgiveness, redemption, and everlasting life). Community projects include visiting nursing homes, Christmas caroling in the neighborhood, etc.
This colorful book also has some wonderful poems like this one written by T.J. Mills:
Tomorrow stands before us now
What will the New Year bring?
It brings the song that’s in our hearts
And the tune we choose to sing.
Stay Blessed!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
What's For Dinner Mom?

How many times have you heard that question and wondered- "What can I serve that is healthy for and attractive to the kids, low fat and low calorie for me and low cholesterol for my husband?" Well guys here's one I found at this great website: I'm going to try it this week. I love ginger and green onions, so hopefully this will go over well. Try it with me, and let me know what your family thinks about it. Remember you can be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
Chicken and Vegetable Stir-Fry
· 2 tbsp cornstarch
· 1 tbsp brown sugar
· 1 tsp grated fresh ginger
· 3 tbsp reduced-sodium soy sauce
· 1 cup water
· Nonstick vegetable cooking spray
· 1 tbsp vegetable oil, divided
· 1 1/2 lb chicken breasts, boneless, skinned, cut into thin strips
· 4 green onions, diagonally sliced (optional)
· 1 cup red bell peppers, cut into strips (optional)
· 1 cup carrots, diagonally sliced thin
· 2 cups snow peas
· 2 cups small broccoli florets
· 1 1/2 cups long-grain white rice, cooked without salt or fat
· 1/3 cup slivered blanched almonds
Nutrient content per serving:
Total calories: 619Protein: 49gCarbohydrates: 75gFat: 12gCalories from fat: 18%
Cholesterol: 99mgSodium: 456mgFiber: 5gSaturated fat: 2g
In a medium bowl, combine cornstarch, brown sugar, grated fresh ginger, soy sauce, and water. Set aside. In a large skillet sprayed with nonstick vegetable cooking spray add 1/2 tbsp vegetable oil. When hot, add strips of chicken and stir-fry 3 to 5 minutes until done. Remove from skillet. Set aside. Add remaining 1/2 tbsp vegetable oil, green onions (optional), and red bell peppers (optional). Stir-fry 2 minutes and add carrots, snow peas, and broccoli florets. Stir-fry 5 to 6 minutes adding 1 to 2 tbsp water and covering to cook vegetables until they are tender. Add chicken back to skillet and add the well-stirred ginger-soy sauce mixture. Stir constantly to thicken sauce and heat through. Serve over hot cooked rice and top with slivered blanched almonds. Makes 4 servings.
Monday, December 17, 2007
How To Conquer The Holiday Blues
“Once again the holidays are upon us, which means it's time for festive partying with friends and family, sharing gifts and laughter -- and getting depressed. That's right. For many people, the holidays bring on feelings of sadness and anxiety that can be hard to shake.
According to the National Mental Health Association, reasons for feeling blue around the holidays are numerous. They range from fatigue -- a result of all of the increased holiday activity -- to financial limitations and family tensions. Experts say one of the fastest routes to holiday depression is unrealistic expectations…[1]
This article above has suggestions on how to cure the Holiday blues and includes a resource number for those suffering with depression. For my readers I have written an exercise below that will allow you to focus on eternal things of value and substance that will last long after the decorations have been taken down. I personally guarantee that my HOLIDAY BLUES EXERCISE will increase your endorphin levels, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, cause you to lose weight and put a smile on your face as well as someone’s else.
Honor this season by giving love, joy, peace and forgiveness to others.
Open your heart to a stranger and find a way to be a Good Samaritan.
Listen to music that relaxes you. Take a warm candle lit bath.
Increase your intake of water, fruits, vegetables and protein and decrease your carbohydrates.[2]
Delight yourself in the Lord; write down the blessings that He has given you.
Act like this is your last day on Earth. Write down your goals and action plan for next year.
Yearn to leave a legacy that will empower others to prosper and experience peace on earth.
Bless others by giving away good clothes in your closet that you know you can’t or won't wear.
Lend a hand at a homeless shelter; donate time at a food kitchen.
Unpack the negative images in your mind by writing a list of people you forgive.
Enjoy the outside; take a walk along a nature trail or in the park.
Sing songs that uplift your spirit and focus on positive life affirming thoughts.
Remember to have fun, rest, count your blessings and remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. You can be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
According to the National Mental Health Association, reasons for feeling blue around the holidays are numerous. They range from fatigue -- a result of all of the increased holiday activity -- to financial limitations and family tensions. Experts say one of the fastest routes to holiday depression is unrealistic expectations…[1]
This article above has suggestions on how to cure the Holiday blues and includes a resource number for those suffering with depression. For my readers I have written an exercise below that will allow you to focus on eternal things of value and substance that will last long after the decorations have been taken down. I personally guarantee that my HOLIDAY BLUES EXERCISE will increase your endorphin levels, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, cause you to lose weight and put a smile on your face as well as someone’s else.
Honor this season by giving love, joy, peace and forgiveness to others.
Open your heart to a stranger and find a way to be a Good Samaritan.
Listen to music that relaxes you. Take a warm candle lit bath.
Increase your intake of water, fruits, vegetables and protein and decrease your carbohydrates.[2]
Delight yourself in the Lord; write down the blessings that He has given you.
Act like this is your last day on Earth. Write down your goals and action plan for next year.
Yearn to leave a legacy that will empower others to prosper and experience peace on earth.
Bless others by giving away good clothes in your closet that you know you can’t or won't wear.
Lend a hand at a homeless shelter; donate time at a food kitchen.
Unpack the negative images in your mind by writing a list of people you forgive.
Enjoy the outside; take a walk along a nature trail or in the park.
Sing songs that uplift your spirit and focus on positive life affirming thoughts.
Remember to have fun, rest, count your blessings and remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. You can be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
Friday, December 14, 2007
What Helen Keller Saw And Heard Without Any Eyes Or Ears
Hello my friends,
I want to share with you a poem written by Helen Keller, affectionately called the First Lady of Courage:
They took away what should have been my eyes
(But I remembered Milton's Paradise).
They took away what should have been my ears,
(Beethoven came and wiped away my tears).
They took away what should have been my tongue,
(But I had talked with God when I was young).
He would not let them take away my soul –
Possessing that, I still possess the whole. [1]
I am so impressed by this woman who in spite of tremendous obstacles and disadvantages was able to graduate from Harvard’s sister school, Radcliff College. Ms. Keller spent her adult life drawing awareness to the blind and deaf community. She traveled to 30 different countries to demonstrate that blind and deaf people could still function in society. She became one of the world’s leading women. The last public appearance she made was in 1961 at a Lion's meeting. She was presented with an award for her service to humanity over her life.
Helen Keller received many awards during the course of her life. Among them the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Brazil's Order of the Southern Cross, the Philippines' Golden Heart, Japan's Sacred Treasure, and in 1991, was named one of the most important people of the twentieth century by Life magazine.
Ladies and Gents, I think it is time for us to rise up and realize the greatness that is in us! Let’s work together to support and encourage one another to make our dreams become a reality. We have been given the gift of life, which is a miracle in and of itself. Let’s begin to search our soul and learn from mentors like Helen Keller and the “Wise Old Man” (see "Happiness Is Something I Choose In Advance" entry) how we can achieve happiness in spite of any real or perceived disabilities.
Helen Keller’s childhood dream was to attend and graduate from college. What’s yours? The new year, 2008 is right around the corner- have you written your vision, your business plan? Do you remember how we anxiously waited for the year 2000? How did seven years go by so quickly? Time waits for no one. Proverbs 29:18 instructs us that, “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” I guarantee you that if you start today and refuse to give up, you can be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
I want to share with you a poem written by Helen Keller, affectionately called the First Lady of Courage:
They took away what should have been my eyes
(But I remembered Milton's Paradise).
They took away what should have been my ears,
(Beethoven came and wiped away my tears).
They took away what should have been my tongue,
(But I had talked with God when I was young).
He would not let them take away my soul –
Possessing that, I still possess the whole. [1]
I am so impressed by this woman who in spite of tremendous obstacles and disadvantages was able to graduate from Harvard’s sister school, Radcliff College. Ms. Keller spent her adult life drawing awareness to the blind and deaf community. She traveled to 30 different countries to demonstrate that blind and deaf people could still function in society. She became one of the world’s leading women. The last public appearance she made was in 1961 at a Lion's meeting. She was presented with an award for her service to humanity over her life.
Helen Keller received many awards during the course of her life. Among them the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Brazil's Order of the Southern Cross, the Philippines' Golden Heart, Japan's Sacred Treasure, and in 1991, was named one of the most important people of the twentieth century by Life magazine.
Ladies and Gents, I think it is time for us to rise up and realize the greatness that is in us! Let’s work together to support and encourage one another to make our dreams become a reality. We have been given the gift of life, which is a miracle in and of itself. Let’s begin to search our soul and learn from mentors like Helen Keller and the “Wise Old Man” (see "Happiness Is Something I Choose In Advance" entry) how we can achieve happiness in spite of any real or perceived disabilities.
Helen Keller’s childhood dream was to attend and graduate from college. What’s yours? The new year, 2008 is right around the corner- have you written your vision, your business plan? Do you remember how we anxiously waited for the year 2000? How did seven years go by so quickly? Time waits for no one. Proverbs 29:18 instructs us that, “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” I guarantee you that if you start today and refuse to give up, you can be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
Inspiration and Motivation
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Happiness Is Something I Choose In Advance...
Thank you my friends for responding. I want to pass along an email (by "migg1012- that was forwarded to me. It is very profound. I understand why it is said that life is wasted on the youth. The wise and aged have a lot to teach us- they have wisdom and we have seemingly unlimited energy, time and creativity. We must learn how to properly exchange our gifts and talents so that when the baton of life is passed the wisdom of the ages is not lost. Click on this link below and take a tour through this short video and you will see what I mean. Learn from this “Wise Old Man” how you can be a Winner at Life!
Stay Blessed!
Stay Blessed!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
What Have You Done For Someone Lately?
Good morning guys!
I have some questions to pose. What random act of kindness have you done to keep someone’s feet off the ground? How can we make this last month of 2007 special for someone else? I invite you to write and tell me your answers and suggestions. What are your New Year’s resolutions- lose weight, go back to school, or get a job? Let me hear from you about creative ways to make 2008 your best year yet.
Guess what if we don’t have a vision and act on it daily we could possibly waste the opportunity to make 2008 our best year ever. Let’s embrace the gift of life we have and challenge ourselves to persevere in spite of any real or perceived enemies. Habakkuk 2:2-3 says, “…write the vision and make it plain…that he may run that readeth it, for the vision is yet for an appointed time, but in the end it shall speak and not lie...”
So my friends, if you start now and write your vision, your business plan for 2008, you can be the early bird that catches the worm. You see, life is like running a race. You must condition not only your mind, but your body and emotions. As you head towards your vision, be prepared to walk some, run some and climb the Heartbreak Hills that you will encounter on the way. If there is no pain, there is no serious gain!
The gains I’m talking about come to determined individuals like Madame C.J. Walker, Michael Jordan, Helen Keller, and Mahatma Gandhi. These are victorious overcomers that had a vision and honed their skills night and day while others were taking it easy. Decide today what your legacy will be and do it afraid if necessary. But you must take the first step and write it down on paper and in your heart.
My vision is to develop this site as a resource center to help others get their feet off the ground. My passion is to help individuals be the best they can be. Help me to help others by writing in with your suggestions. I’m waiting to hear from you. Remember you can be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
I have some questions to pose. What random act of kindness have you done to keep someone’s feet off the ground? How can we make this last month of 2007 special for someone else? I invite you to write and tell me your answers and suggestions. What are your New Year’s resolutions- lose weight, go back to school, or get a job? Let me hear from you about creative ways to make 2008 your best year yet.
Guess what if we don’t have a vision and act on it daily we could possibly waste the opportunity to make 2008 our best year ever. Let’s embrace the gift of life we have and challenge ourselves to persevere in spite of any real or perceived enemies. Habakkuk 2:2-3 says, “…write the vision and make it plain…that he may run that readeth it, for the vision is yet for an appointed time, but in the end it shall speak and not lie...”
So my friends, if you start now and write your vision, your business plan for 2008, you can be the early bird that catches the worm. You see, life is like running a race. You must condition not only your mind, but your body and emotions. As you head towards your vision, be prepared to walk some, run some and climb the Heartbreak Hills that you will encounter on the way. If there is no pain, there is no serious gain!
The gains I’m talking about come to determined individuals like Madame C.J. Walker, Michael Jordan, Helen Keller, and Mahatma Gandhi. These are victorious overcomers that had a vision and honed their skills night and day while others were taking it easy. Decide today what your legacy will be and do it afraid if necessary. But you must take the first step and write it down on paper and in your heart.
My vision is to develop this site as a resource center to help others get their feet off the ground. My passion is to help individuals be the best they can be. Help me to help others by writing in with your suggestions. I’m waiting to hear from you. Remember you can be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
Inspiration and Motivation
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
My Feet Are Off The Ground by Tyler Perry
Good Morning guys,
I want to share with you this email below that was forwarded to me from a friend named Chandra. She is an overcomer that has TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) as a result of a car accident. Check out her website at and click this link[capwiz:queue_id to find out more information about how you can get Congress to enact Omnibus Appropriations Bill to support modest increases for TBI and other health programs at stake.
If your feet are off the ground like Tyler’s, let’s get the focus off ourselves and help put a smile on someone else’s face. You can be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!

"My Feet Are Off The Ground"
From Tyler Perry:
writer and actor
From Tyler :
This morning I awoke and was so frustrated about all of the stuff that I'm
dealing with in trying to get this studio open. I was about to open my mouth
and start complaining when I remembered something that happened to me about
a year ago.
I was walking to my car when this woman who appeared to be homeless started
walking towards me. I'm ashamed to say this but I thought, "I don't feel
like being hustled today." Then I got quickly convicted. I felt guilty so I
started digging in my pocket for some money. As she got closer I noticed
that she had the kindest eyes that I had ever seen. As I was reaching into
my pocket she started to speak. I thought, "Here goes the sales pitch". She
said "Excuse me sir, I need some shoes. Can you help me?" My eyes filled
with water because I remember being out on the streets and having only one
pair of run over shoes. I was taken aback for a second.
I took her inside the studio and had my wardrobe people find shoes in her
size. As she put the shoes on she started crying, praising God and thanking
Jesus, and saying, "My feet are off the ground! My feet are off the ground!"
Several of the wardrobe people started crying. I was crying. But I never
forgot those words. "My feet are off the ground!" I thought, "Wow! All she
wanted was some shoes." She quickly disappeared and never asked me for a
dime. I realized that I still had the money in my hand so I went out looking
for her. She was gone just that quick so I looked all around the
neighborhood for her. I found her standing on a corner looking down at her
shoes, still crying. I was so touched. I asked her how she had gotten
homeless. She told me that she had AIDS and that she was waiting to get into
a shelter. She said that her family had turned their backs on her and that
she had no place to go, but she knew that God would make a way for her. I
said to myself, "He just did." Her faith and her praise moved me. I took her
to a nearby hotel and put her up until she was able to get on her feet. I
had someone that worked for me to check on her from time to time and to make
sure that she had food and clothes. After about a month or so we lost touch,
but I never forgot her.
This past summer I was shooting "Daddy's Little Girls" and this woman walks
up to me smiling. I didn't recognize her face, but her eyes were familiar.
She had on a really nice dress and her hair was done. It was her! She told
me that the little help that I had given her had changed her life. She was
in a house now and doing very well.
I said all of that to say this. After I met this woman, every time I think
about complaining and mumbling I remember, "My feet are off the ground!"
I wanted to share this with you just to let you know that when I say that I
am thankful for you, I mean it. And when I say that you are a blessing to
me, I mean it. We take so much for granted sometimes that I just wanted all
of you to know that I am grateful to God for you everyday. Thank you for
being in my life.
~Tyler Perry
I want to share with you this email below that was forwarded to me from a friend named Chandra. She is an overcomer that has TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) as a result of a car accident. Check out her website at and click this link[capwiz:queue_id to find out more information about how you can get Congress to enact Omnibus Appropriations Bill to support modest increases for TBI and other health programs at stake.
If your feet are off the ground like Tyler’s, let’s get the focus off ourselves and help put a smile on someone else’s face. You can be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!

"My Feet Are Off The Ground"
From Tyler Perry:
writer and actor
From Tyler :
This morning I awoke and was so frustrated about all of the stuff that I'm
dealing with in trying to get this studio open. I was about to open my mouth
and start complaining when I remembered something that happened to me about
a year ago.
I was walking to my car when this woman who appeared to be homeless started
walking towards me. I'm ashamed to say this but I thought, "I don't feel
like being hustled today." Then I got quickly convicted. I felt guilty so I
started digging in my pocket for some money. As she got closer I noticed
that she had the kindest eyes that I had ever seen. As I was reaching into
my pocket she started to speak. I thought, "Here goes the sales pitch". She
said "Excuse me sir, I need some shoes. Can you help me?" My eyes filled
with water because I remember being out on the streets and having only one
pair of run over shoes. I was taken aback for a second.
I took her inside the studio and had my wardrobe people find shoes in her
size. As she put the shoes on she started crying, praising God and thanking
Jesus, and saying, "My feet are off the ground! My feet are off the ground!"
Several of the wardrobe people started crying. I was crying. But I never
forgot those words. "My feet are off the ground!" I thought, "Wow! All she
wanted was some shoes." She quickly disappeared and never asked me for a
dime. I realized that I still had the money in my hand so I went out looking
for her. She was gone just that quick so I looked all around the
neighborhood for her. I found her standing on a corner looking down at her
shoes, still crying. I was so touched. I asked her how she had gotten
homeless. She told me that she had AIDS and that she was waiting to get into
a shelter. She said that her family had turned their backs on her and that
she had no place to go, but she knew that God would make a way for her. I
said to myself, "He just did." Her faith and her praise moved me. I took her
to a nearby hotel and put her up until she was able to get on her feet. I
had someone that worked for me to check on her from time to time and to make
sure that she had food and clothes. After about a month or so we lost touch,
but I never forgot her.
This past summer I was shooting "Daddy's Little Girls" and this woman walks
up to me smiling. I didn't recognize her face, but her eyes were familiar.
She had on a really nice dress and her hair was done. It was her! She told
me that the little help that I had given her had changed her life. She was
in a house now and doing very well.
I said all of that to say this. After I met this woman, every time I think
about complaining and mumbling I remember, "My feet are off the ground!"
I wanted to share this with you just to let you know that when I say that I
am thankful for you, I mean it. And when I say that you are a blessing to
me, I mean it. We take so much for granted sometimes that I just wanted all
of you to know that I am grateful to God for you everyday. Thank you for
being in my life.
~Tyler Perry
Monday, December 10, 2007
How Do You Handle Monday Mornings?
Mondays mornings can be difficult for many people. For some it may be because they worked the previous weekend and are not fully rested. For others it may signal the end of fun and frolic and now it’s time to get back to their “J- O- B.” If you find it hard to get up on Mondays, make a decision to change your thoughts, attitude and most important your destiny. Statistics show that more people commit suicide or fall sick on Sunday than on any other day. Could it be that they dreaded getting back to a job that they felt was not fully utilizing their talents or was low paying?
You were created to be a winner! As we approach the end of 2007 and the beginning of a new year, let’s make a commitment together that 2008 will be our best year yet. In spite of what the media says about the economy, employment opportunities, the environment, let’s make a pack that we will work together to find new opportunities, relationships, partnerships so that we can be the cream that rises to the top. Let’s strive to be like Madame C. J. Walker who became a millionaire during the Depression.
I need to hear from you. Send me a blog and tell me what your concerns are and together we will find a solution. I invite my readers to use this platform to share with other readers what has and has not worked for you. There is strength in unity! Help me to help others rise to the top. Let’s spread the word- please forward this blog to someone who needs to know that they are loved!
You can be a Winner at life- Stay Blessed!
You were created to be a winner! As we approach the end of 2007 and the beginning of a new year, let’s make a commitment together that 2008 will be our best year yet. In spite of what the media says about the economy, employment opportunities, the environment, let’s make a pack that we will work together to find new opportunities, relationships, partnerships so that we can be the cream that rises to the top. Let’s strive to be like Madame C. J. Walker who became a millionaire during the Depression.
I need to hear from you. Send me a blog and tell me what your concerns are and together we will find a solution. I invite my readers to use this platform to share with other readers what has and has not worked for you. There is strength in unity! Help me to help others rise to the top. Let’s spread the word- please forward this blog to someone who needs to know that they are loved!
You can be a Winner at life- Stay Blessed!
Inspiration and Motivation
Friday, December 7, 2007
Finding Inner Peace in the Midst of the Storm
I make a choice today to make it a good one! I start out by counting my blessings and expressing thanks for the little things in life: eyesight, health, family, friends, food, clothing and shelter. Guess what- I’m truly blessed! Let’s choose today to focus on the positive and make a decision to share what you have. It can be as simple as calling up someone who will be alone during the holidays and inviting them over for dinner.
Don’t worry about trying to solve the global warming issue, gang violence, crime, pollution, unemployment, the high foreclosure rate, or who you should or shouldn’t buy a Christmas present for. If what you do today does not come from the heart, it’s all for naught. Today is the only day you have, so make it a good one! Don’t let the sun set without doing one small act of kindness for someone today. You can be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
Don’t worry about trying to solve the global warming issue, gang violence, crime, pollution, unemployment, the high foreclosure rate, or who you should or shouldn’t buy a Christmas present for. If what you do today does not come from the heart, it’s all for naught. Today is the only day you have, so make it a good one! Don’t let the sun set without doing one small act of kindness for someone today. You can be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Defeat Is Not An Option!
Defeat is not an option! You have been created to be the Head and not the Tail! Regardless of what adversities you face in life, as long as you have breath in your body, there is hope. If your flesh is cut, your body will immediately discharge cells to heal that part of your body that has been violated. Likewise in the spirit realm if your emotions have been hurt, your spiritual DNA will seek to bring peace to your inner being.
This blog is designed to help you find that inner peace, to learn how to trigger your spiritual cells so that the wholeness that you had in the beginning is restored. Let’s journey together so that we can arrive at that place of shalom (peace) in our mind, body and spirit.
As we go along I will share with you useful information on how to obtain inner peace in spite of where you find yourself in life- in a house all alone, prison, difficult marriage, unemployed, underemployed, poverty stricken or in a board meeting.
You have been fearfully and wonderfully made to be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
Joyce, B.A., S.M.
Author, Motivational Speaker, Broker, Wife, Mom & Friend
How to Be The Head And Not The Tail: A Christian Manifesto For Making Six Figures
How to Get to The Palace From Your Prison: Joseph’s 14 Step Program To Overcome Loneliness, Depression, Discrimination, Barrenness & Abuse
Click on the link below and enjoy this version of "Born Free" by neravaira at
This blog is designed to help you find that inner peace, to learn how to trigger your spiritual cells so that the wholeness that you had in the beginning is restored. Let’s journey together so that we can arrive at that place of shalom (peace) in our mind, body and spirit.
As we go along I will share with you useful information on how to obtain inner peace in spite of where you find yourself in life- in a house all alone, prison, difficult marriage, unemployed, underemployed, poverty stricken or in a board meeting.
You have been fearfully and wonderfully made to be a Winner at life!
Stay Blessed!
Joyce, B.A., S.M.
Author, Motivational Speaker, Broker, Wife, Mom & Friend
How to Be The Head And Not The Tail: A Christian Manifesto For Making Six Figures
How to Get to The Palace From Your Prison: Joseph’s 14 Step Program To Overcome Loneliness, Depression, Discrimination, Barrenness & Abuse
Click on the link below and enjoy this version of "Born Free" by neravaira at
Inspiration and Motivation
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