When I was growing up one of the holidays I looked forward to was Christmas. Maybe it had to do with the fact that I grew up in Boston and Northerners are said to be as cold as ice. But during the Christmas season, this holiday melted many a personality and it seemed everywhere you went people greeted and wished you a “Merry Christmas.”
During the late ‘60s there emerged a political correctness era, but even then if you wished someone a “Merry Christmas” who was not a Christian, they were not offended and you apologetically responded back with a Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwaanza or Happy Holiday greeting.
As the world becomes smaller and smaller, we must stay true to our identity like the three Hebrew boys, but also see the common denominator in all religions and cultural celebrations. If we look at the major religious belief systems, the common denominator is - God is love. Let us focus on what binds us as opposed to what separates and divides us. Let’s finds ways to heal the broken hearted, feed the hungry, and protect the environment.
As we close out this year I want to wish everyone a Happy Hanukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwaanza or Happy Holiday greeting. You can be a Winner at Life!
Stay Blessed!
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