Friday, December 21, 2007

In A Time Of Famine God Delivered Me From My Fiery Furnace!

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are not the only individuals that have gone through fiery situations and have come out unscathed. This year during a severe real estate famine my husband and I sold a property for more than four times what we paid for it. With the sale of the property all of our debts have been paid off, except for good debt on properties that are appreciating in value while we write off the mortgage interest.

Now that God has removed the burden of debt (which was a form of economic slavery) from my shoulders, I am free to mentor others. This website is one way I want to empower others to release their emotional, financial, spiritual and physical shackles.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego used the power of prayer and diet to overcome their oppressive situations. My support came as well from diet, exercise, prayer and the efficacious teachings of Pastor Dale C. Bronner of Word of Faith Family Cathedral in Atlanta, Georgia.

During this Holiday Season I personally invite you to come out and hear and experience a prophet that has a message of hope and empowerment to set you free from whatever spiritual, financial, emotional or physical burdens that bind you. If you live outside of the Atlanta area, you can go online at and hear and download these inspirational messages.

But for the best deal, come out and experience in person the synergy and joy that flows through this place. It’s well worth the trip. I guarantee that you will never be the same and that you can be a Winner at life!

Stay Blessed!

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