Friday, March 28, 2008

The Healing Power of Water

TGIF guys!
I have been slacking off on my blog since the death of my mom on February 29, 2008. I want to thank one of my readers, Anuj Agarwal for sending me a link to his website and allowing me to use today's slideshow.

One of the ways that I deal with loss and depression is to go outside and enjoy nature. A simple walk in the park has a way of lifting my spirit. It allows me to commune with God, enjoy this wonderful planet that we share and gives me the assurance that whatever I'm going through will pass!

This slideshow is for those of you who can't get away and enjoy God's marvelous creation today. Take a few moments and play a game with your mind and pretend you are
there. I guarantee that your blood pressure will go down and your spirits will be lifted like mine. Thanks again Anuj for making my day!

Enjoy your weekend everyone and Stay Blessed!

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