Monday, January 21, 2008

Dr. King Responded To A Macedonian Call- What Is Yours?

Dr. King, like Paul received a Macedonian call to come and help the bruised, the broken hearted and the captive prisoners. Paul was called to Macedonia, a Greek country much like the U.S. which was steeped in refinement, learning, wealth and culture. Although the Macedonians were religious, they had no knowledge of Jesus Christ.

It is one thing to know of Christ, and it is another to actually follow his teachings. Such was the case during the Civil Rights era. Many of our laws were in opposition to the Word of God that challenges us to love our neighbors and to be a Good Samaritan. Dr. King like Paul was sent to jail after receiving his call. Both Paul and Dr. King accomplished their missions and their sacrificial acts made it possible for many to know Christ and have a more meaningful life.

Have you heard your Macedonian call to help those who are bound in physical, emotional and financial chains? I challenge you to listen with your heart, to steal away to a secret place where God can reveal his specific plan for your life. He may not speak to you in a cathedral. It may be a homeless shelter, a prison or a classroom. It doesn’t matter where he chooses to speak to you. What’s important is that you know that it is His voice.

One thing you can be certain of is that His call won’t be a bed of roses, but the rewards are priceless and eternal. I guarantee you that when you respond to your Macedonian call you will be a Winner at life!

Stay Blessed!

Click on the link below as you reflect on how you can answer someone’s Macedonian call for help and be a resource for someone who is yearning to be free.

Nina Simone - I wish I knew how it would fell to be free from: scottie1989 (

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