Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What Is Your Impossible Dream?

Now is the time to make your dream a reality! You must do it now, even if you have to do it afraid. The question is not will I succeed, but can I dare to do it afraid, penniless, alone or with no support? Is your dream of a nature that it will benefit mankind and bring some good into the world for all humanity? If you answered yes, then do something today to actualize your dreams and the forces of nature and creativity will meet you at your door and propel you toward the fulfillment of your dream.

You see as you start to plant good seeds into the soil of life, you can only reap a good harvest. Just as there are physical laws, there are irrefutable spiritual laws that have no choice but to work in your favor. Yes, there will be weeds along the way that you will have to pull and destroy. The Word says that the wheat and the tares must go up together. There is nothing you can do about this, but learn how to coexist and stay true to your identity.

God is not a respecter of person, He has given everyone gifts and talents. It worked for Helen Keller, Dr. King, Tiger Woods, Oprah, Harriet Tubman, Mother Teresa and many others. And guess what it even worked for little oh me and propelled me from Boston’s inner city housing project steps to greatness! Click on the link below and listen to how you too can be a Winner at life if you start today!

Stay Blessed!

The Impossible Dream by Fantasia, Kelly and n'em from: readyornot79 (

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