Monday, December 31, 2007

Free Extreme Makeover Treatment By Joyce

Good Morning guys,
I have a special free gift for my readers this last day in 2007 designed to 1) give you a free makeover, 2) make you the Head in your (relationships, profession, and outlook on life) and 3) give you peace of mind. This exercise is a snapshot of what I do in my seminars. It is guaranteed to extend your life, make you look years younger and make you a Winner at life!

Happy New Year and Stay Blessed!

Joyce’s Free Extreme Makeover Treatment©2007

1) I now forgive myself for not living up to my full potential. I forgive myself for harboring unkind thoughts or for any unkind acts I have committed against __________________. I take personal responsibility for my thoughts and actions.
I also forgive those enemies that are lodged within the “inner me” named __________________________________.

2) I now forgive the following persons for any offenses real or perceived offenses committed against me: ___________________________________________________

3) I choose to die to any of the following that hinders my spiritual, physical, emotional and financial progress:
______ jealousy ____drug addiction _____lasciviousness
______ envy ____sexual perversion _____fear
______ covetousness ____fornication _____greed
______ anger ____adultery _____hate
______ overeating ____alcoholism _____unforgiveness

4) I choose God’s more excellent way and I agree that I am made in the image and likeness of God and as such I demonstrate in my life the following:
____ love ____goodness _____wisdom ____gentleness
____ joy ____faith _____intelligence _____prosperity
____ peace of mind ____meekness _____creativity _____forgiveness
____ longsuffering ____temperance _____persistence _____wealth
_____health ____wholeness

5) Fully restored my goals for 2008 are as follows: ___________________________________________________

6) I take the following action steps today towards my goals:


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