Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Guide to Handling The Famines In Your Life

Are you experiencing a famine in your life? A shortage of healthy relationships, money, energy, health, joy, peace of mind, under or unemployment, to name a few?

Guess what this is a blessing in disguise! This is an opportunity for you to experience fulfillment in your life. Like the Wise Old Man (see December 13 post) who chose to be happy in advance, let’s take a positive attitude and say to the famines in our life like the Biblical Joseph, “you meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.”

Here is my recipe for handling the famines I encounter in life. Here’s how you can take a negative- FAMINES and turn it into a positive:

Have (F)aith in God’s promise, that He made you to be the Head and not the Tail. Practice forgiveness and love unconditionally.
Develop an (A)ppetite for healthy foods that promote life and build your immune system.
Listen to (M)usic daily that is uplifting and inspires you to achieve greatness.
(I)ncrease your knowledge base, never stop learning and trying new things. Take a course, go back to school or finish your degree.
Don’t (N)eglect your needs and be moderate with your desires. Leave something behind for the gleaners. Be honest with yourself.
(E)xercise- daily meditate on God’s Word and pray without ceasing. Physically work out 30 minutes at least 4-5 times a week.
(S)et goals that stretch you. Find a mentor or group that you can be accountable to.

If you confront your famines in a positive way as I have outlined, I guarantee that you will be a Winner at life!

Stay Blessed!

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