Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Low Fat Diet To Overcome Stress That's Guaranteed To Work!

Good Morning Guys!
Guess what, I tried out the Chicken and Vegetable Stir-Fry recipe (December 18 post) last night and it was a blast as well as nutritious. The meal was very delicious and appealing. The colors- red, green, and orange took on a festive look. My 12 year old son was impressed, ate all his vegetables, but wanted a little more chicken.

Yes, we here in America do like our meat, myself included, but do we need it during the stressful times we live in? I was reminded of the Biblical story of Daniel and his three friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. During a time of captivity, opposition and discrimination they dealt with stress by choosing to eat a diet consisting of vegetables and water instead of the King’s royal diet of choice food and wine. At the end of 10 days, these four guys were healthier and better nourished than those that ate the royal food. They were later promoted by the King because they possessed ten times more wisdom and understanding than all the others.

Another secret that these men possessed was the power of prayer that enabled them to withstand fiery situations like the Lion’s Den and come out unscathed and unharmed. They say there is nothing new under the sun. Science is now verifying that a vegetarian diet and meditation (including prayer) has a beneficial effect on the body including lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol level, maintaining a healthy weight, clear thinking, etc.

As we approach the New Year, let’s try to eat smart and live right. If you have any low fat recipes you would like to share, please send them to me, so that together we can be Winners at Life!

Stay Blessed!

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