Friday, February 8, 2008

Keep Smiling- That's What Friends Are For!

That's What Friends Are For (from Bozang

TGIF guys,
We’ve made it through another week. Thank God we are alive and if you can see and read this blog or listen to the video below you are blessed. You could be in a hospital, prison or homeless, living under a bridge.

Let’s continue to keep smiling, believing the best and encouraging and challenging others to pursue and achieve their dreams. This is a daunting task to love through the good and bad times. It is said that a friend sticketh closer than a brother.

If you have one or two close friends you are doubly blessed. Why not call your friend(s) today and give them their roses while they can still smell them. Let your friends know that you love and appreciate them. Don’t be afraid to love- it’s love that makes the world go round.

If you don’t have any friends, then become the friend that you want others to be to you and I guarantee that you will keep smiling and you will be a Winner at life!

Stay Blessed!

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